So tired
I happen to like buttplugs that have tails attached to them. They make Fox, bunny, devil corkscrew. But I have a hard time imagining a girl that would want top put one in. My wife is NOT into that kind of thing. Maybe that is coloring my perception of girls in general. My basis for what girls like is either porn or my wife, I've...
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Colorado is pretty
Spotify is awesome
spotify IS awesome. i remember discovering it when i was in europe. do they have it for the US now?
New Pornographers = <3
i love taking photos and think i'm pretty decent at it but i know none of the technical terms for anything.
like i have two lenses but i don't know what they're called... i just know how to use them.. haha
i always get nervous when i'm on photo walks that other people with sweet cameras are going to start conversation with me and ask me questions and i'll look like an idiot! hahaha
i love taking photos and think i'm pretty decent at it but i know none of the technical terms for anything.
like i have two lenses but i don't know what they're called... i just know how to use them.. haha
i always get nervous when i'm on photo walks that other people with sweet cameras are going to start conversation with me and ask me questions and i'll look like an idiot! hahaha

REALLLY hungover...good fireworks last nght
i encourage you to check them out 

I'm excited and kind of a perv
Thinking about quitting coffee again. THINKING about.
Poll says 93% of women think dicks are ugly. I know that girls don't really want to look at pics of my dick,but I have an odd craving to sometimes post it.
I would rather look at a penis, than a vagina. That all being said, neither are particularly attractive...!
I think most vaginas are attractive. I like the occasional cock too. They have a certain something about them.
Arrgghh, Grrrrr!! This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO frustrating!!!
Working from home on a beautiful spring day....And no pants, bonus!
Finally some spring weather!