Both of my photosets got rejected I am feeling a little discouraged and bummed out

this is a cover up ive been planning for awhile I finally got a really good price on it, i just need to find the final image. this is the part that seems to be giving me trouble. i may end up going in with several images and making the artist put them together, which i know wont be a big deal. =)
this is a cover up ive been planning for awhile I finally got a really good price on it, i just need to find the final image. this is the part that seems to be giving me trouble. i may end up going in with several images and making the artist put them together, which i know wont be a big deal. =)
its a guy that a friend of mine goes too that is doing it.
So my man and I watched Terminator Salvation last night. It was kickass!! Definantly one for the collection of movies when it comes out.
Arnold made his Cameo and man was he fucking ripped he had like a 12 pack and shit and he acted way more like a robot in this one but he still kicked Christian Bale's ass it was a little funny...
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Well we are all still sick we just can't seem to shake this the baby is better than the rest of us he only has a stuffy nose. The rest of us can't seem to shake this shit we have all been sick for over a month now.I just want to feel better.
Also Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is coming out in 3D...
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I loooooove Harry Potter, I'm so ridiculously excited!
Hope you guys get better soon! x
Hope you guys get better soon! x
Well we got our trash can yesterday it turned way to complicated but we got it. It's not a brand new one its covered in paint and some other unknown substance but it will do. My cat is funny she is so old and stubborn she had been insisting on being in my lap so finally when i give in to tell her to go...
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Well, still sick as hell
. Anyways there is something ridiculous that has been going on for about 3 weeks that I though I would share with you all. It may even amuse some of you. I live on a corner so I have a neighbor in front of me to my right and to my left. This is about my neighbor on the left....
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I am so sick I hate this I hardly go anywhere so I shouldn't get this sick. My man was sick and then decided to give me the crap he had. If it's not him it's his kid coming home with some sickness from his mom's. I want at least 1 whole month to go by where I am not sick at all what so...
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Awww feel better lovely!!! x
Yay I got hopeful status but there's a problem I kept getting an error message when uploading my set so i kept trying so now i have 3 sets with 1 pic in them
I'm trying to upload the whole set as a zip file so hopefully it works keeps the fingers crossed.
Yay I got my set fixed finally woohoo yayness! Please tell me...
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Yay I got my set fixed finally woohoo yayness! Please tell me...
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bb thanks for u support and u comment in my set ...kisses
I'm really excited today I get to go get my hair cut it will be so super cute I hope they do it right.

I'm a little worried about my man he had a really bad incident at work where an employee died in his arms. He's a security guard so it was his job to try and recessitate the guy. On his birthday of all days that had to happy what a shitty way to start the day.
He's just not the same he's really shaken up by...
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Hahaha I feel like a total nerd I was just sitting here wondering to myself man where is the mail man he is really late today. And it's Sunday the mail doesn't even come on Sunday wow smacks self I am eat up with the dumbass today.

I'm a 21 year old mother of 3 who's teenage dream was to be a Suicide Girl. It's something I really want to do but I no longer have the body for it and it makes me sad. I love how all the women are beautiful and carefree and I see me doing this.