It's out! You can look at it right now! If you haven't already go clickity and turn that pink 'I loved it' button green for me and leave a comment too if you've got time.
Thank you so much to everyone who has already gone and done so, it means so much to me. Especially to those friends of mine who have mentioned me in their blogs, the true saints!! Thankyou to @christina, @ambra, @atlanticlungs, @arachnie and @feefee. Go follow them, they're good people. The best ever.
(I think that's my favourite shot from the set, but there are a whole bunch that I'm really fond of).
There are a few comments on the set that are more questions than comments, so I'm going to answer them right now...
@THEMASKSMILES Is your Minerva/Athena (not sure which one you're identifying it as) shoulder piece done, or are you going to get more color added? It's gorgeous, but the owl kinda looks unfinished compared to the rest of the piece, in my opinion. Anyways, wonderful set as always. Not sure if that still even needs to be said. lol
It's an Athena tattoo. No, it's not finished. My artist and I are pretty tight so we mostly spend our sessions chatting instead of actually getting any tattooing done. I really need to go back and get more done. About the only thing that's done is the grey filigree inside the shield and the blue fabric.
@RECLUSE11 Extraordinary. The monochromatic background allows nothing to distract from Countessa's amazing eyes and smile (as if anything could)... Brilliant work from @COUNTESSA and @EXKYU!
Yeah, we were going for a really minimalist look so my hair would pop as much as possible. Looks like it worked! There were a few comments in there like this one, so I'm going to chalk that up as a victory.
@WOODSMAN29 After taking all those sets with your glasses on, do you feel kind of naked without them? Because, I'm thinking you look naked to me. Not that I mind seeing you naked. You look good naked -- with or without the glasses. ;)
Look, I feel more naked without my glasses on than I do without my CLOTHES on! Haha. Turns out the glasses are removable, though, so I figured I'd shoot a set without them. This isn't the first time I've shot without them. In my multi set with @christina I'm also not wearing them.
@TITUSCROWE This isn't set of the day yet? C'mon SG it's been 2 days already... :)
Fingers crossed. I haven't had a solo front page set since 2013 so it's high time it happened again. I really think this is the best one I've shot in a LONG time. Thankyou @exkyu for being so amazing and agreeing to shoot me on the stairs! Poor guy got a workout running up and down to get all the different angles.
I'm going to keep this short, I'm doing National Novel Writing Month at the moment so I need to get back to redrafting! Thanks for all your love and comments. It really is overwhelming, I barely know how to articulate how brilliant you all are and what an amazing boost you've given me, this week. Thank you so so much. I love you.