Hello friends! It's well and truly autumn time down my neck of the woods and aside from the occasional naked foray in public parks (pictured above) I've not been up to much. Work is as relentless as ever. I'm in the middle of designing an extension to a 1990's era wooden cabin in the countryside. The owners have gone and made their existing house too small by reproducing; a universally bad idea as far as I've seen. My own house is a mess, I need to hire someone to pick up after me. Cleaning is so BORING I don't understand how anyone does it! Haha.
I've got a new set coming out in a couple of days. Did you know that I haven't had a solo set bought by SG since 2013? (And not for lack of trying: 1, 2, 3. I understand that it's really competitive these days, but I feel like my last 3 sets have all only JUST missed out. Heartbreaking). Hopefully this one will be the one. I'm due for a win. When it comes out, please go and give it some love for me?
Here is a preview...
Good, right? Oh, please let this one be good enough. I really do love it here. Almost all my friends are from this website and without it I am not sure who I would have become. My time on the site has certainly changed me a lot. When I joined back in... well, who really remembers. A long time ago, at least, I was a completely different person. SG has taught me so many amazing things about being true to yourself and being true to what you feel on the inside. I've looked up to so many of the older girls, learned from them and their experiences. It's lovely to have a community like this one. Sorry, I'm just rambling now. Change of subject? Yes please.
I wanted to throw a bit of a spotlight on Aussie staff photographer @exkyu who's amazing work is often overlooked. Here are his MR sets (aside from my ones, linked above) that have a 'love' count of over 1800 and therefore really should have been picked up. If you haven't already, go check them out.
@christina - Boss (extra love because it was her birthday yesterday! Happy birthday @Christina!)
@twitchling - La Joie du Boire
There are many many other sets too, but I'll leave it at that for now. Sometimes I wonder if the Australian sets in particular get a bit of a raw deal, but that just might be paranoia talking. Haha.
This week coming up, I'm going to see some burlesque and do some more writing! My city is overwhelmed with people (it's Saturday today) because of ANZAC day so I won't be out and about much this wekened. They ought to clear out by Sunday night, though. I'd planned to go to the zoo, but something tells me that might be a bad idea this weekend. And it's still school holidays here as well. So probably a very bad idea! I just want to enjoy the last few warm days before we descend into winter (well, winter for Australia, at least). Speaking of winter! @exkyu, @flagg and I had a really fun driving adventure up to see the first of the snowfalls in the mountains. It was beautiful!
I'm not sure if linking a video via the SG blog feature works, so if it's just a picture you can see the video at my instagram here. But yes, me in my BBC Sherlock coat standing in the snow getting excited because it's snowing. It's a novelty here. Haha.
I will leave it at that, don't forget to check out my little Patreon print subscription service if you haven't already and I hope you enjoy my next set too. Ciao!