^ Barbie Countessa. I had fun playing with some new lighting this week. This was the result. Weird, huh!
First up thank you so much to Brendan, Cameron, Jesse, Christopher, Shane, James, Jamaar, Mike, Matthias, Josh, John Hector and Jay for being LEGENDS over on my Patreon you guys rock my socks. I love you. <3
Right! So I had the most fanduglius weekend of all time. That makes it sound like a bad thing. It wasn't. It was glowing and happy and exciting and fandangling. It was @exkyu's 30th birthday (he's a geezer now) and he had a 90s themed party. As in 1990's. Though, @mouse showed up in a toga and pretended to be from the "original 90s" which was pretty good too. Here are some pictures of the incredible decorating (all done by yours truly) prepare your nostalgia glands...
My outfit was pretty rad. I got the LOONY TUNES BRAND overalls at a retro clothing place on Crown St in Sydney, the rest was just from regular shops. It's hard to see, but I've got an army sweater tied around my waist. Best. I can't believe the fake tattoo choker thingies are back in fashion. My time has come. I wore my red docs with this outfit too. And a bucketload of fuck bracelets (not sure if that was an Aussie thing. If you snapped one, you "had" to sleep with the person who snapped it). I didn't wing my eyeliner, I wore LIP liner, I didn't contour my cheeks. It was bizarre. But I looked pretty authentic I reckon.
Here's the main bit of decorating I did. Chatterbox garlands, a backdrop of painted 90s amazingness, 90s movie and band posters, CD's and I even found a 3 1/2 floppy A to take pride of place.
She wore a fucking toga. @Mouse is an idiot. I love her. Her set is on the front page today! So proud of my little SG sista!
The food and 90210. There was punch, whiz fizz, zoopa doopas, fairy bread, allens party mix lollies, lollipops, warheads, nerds, and a bunch of other 90s candy.
I made the fairy bread. As a paleo person, this was traumatic. The paper is a list of headlines from each year in the 90s. There were a whole bunch.
My amazing mural. My talents are lost on architecture, I should have been a fucking street artist. Look how perfect my Mysterious S is. I used to wear SO MUCH 'Bad Girl' brand clothing. I used to go to the factory outlet and just load up. Those were the days. I still wish I had my blue camo patterned singlet top. It was probably the best thing of all time. Also had a pretty sweet tamagochi and pokemon red on gameboy. Haha.
So I think the party went well! We had a whole bunch of SG people there, but I was too busy having fun to take many photos (other than these ones of the sweet decor and a few other pics of people I'm sure don't want to be blogged about on SG) so you'll have to take my word for it. @unicorn, @kiah_xx, @buttermykittens, @harvest, @flagg, @twiggy were all there. It was great.
I also finished the first editing sweep of my novel. The amazing @terome (who is injured and sad so go give her some love) has been AMAZING and read through the muck of my first draft and gave me some great feedback yay.
So after NINE WHOLE YEARS @maddame has submitted a new set to Member Review! It's called Luminal Space and you should go and check it out because it's incredible and you need to see it. So much fun to shoot, @aubreyx and I helped with the lighting, it was loads of fun. I'm so proud of all these Aussies coming back!
Speaking of comebacks, I was trawling instagram for potential new SG applicants and I came across @strawberrysiren who was a hopeful at the same time I was. She shot about four or five sets when she was a hopeful and she happened to be in town where I live so you know... I did what had to be done. Her account isn't active yet, but her set will be in MR as soon as she's scanned some paperwork in. So excited to have her back! This is Miss Burlesque Australia! Whee! Go follow her and get ready to have your world rocked.
That's all I got for now. Dinner's ready so I better hop to it. Have a good one! xx