Hey guys, I've emailed @Rambo about deleting my Member Review set Country Avenue off the site. I probably shouldn't have left it up for as long as I did, but it's been such a favourite of mine for so long that it didn't feel right taking it down. But the time is now. The new set requirements are such that it'll NEVER be bought now anyway. I thought I'd let you all know so that if you wanted, you could take another look before it's gone forever.
Speaking of Member Review there are two new Aussies with sets out that you need to go check out!
@Ambra - Walkabout
@Wick_ - Bring Me That Horizon
Go look at them. Tick the love heart box. Leave a quick comment. Be a good person. That's all good karma, dontcha know!
Also my own member review set Secret Garden *still* hasn't been bought, so please leave it some more love. I'm feeling really down about this one not being bought because it's my new favourite set of me ever. I'm going to have to figure out what I'm going to do if SG doesn't buy it. Seems like it's getting tougher and tougher (even for girls like me with loads of followers) for sets to get reliably bought. Maybe I'm just too much of an old prune for the site :S
The site seems to be running faster for me. Viewing photosets and uploading set photos to my blog is a whole lot faster than it used to be so kudos to @courtneyriot for fixing whatever bug it was that was making it all so slow!
I've been keeping really busy. I'm super active in my writer's group lately and I'm going to smash out a silly romance novel next month. I've been madly researching stuff like royal protocol and how Kensington Palace works in order to get all my ducks in order. It's going to be a very similar genre to the book I'm in the process of editing (that I've been going on about for years now) and I can imagine presenting both to a literary agent and publisher. Having more than one product like that definitely helps sales. Also I need a break from writing about strippers on sheep farms. haha.
I picked up a copy of the SG Geekology book because I'm in it! Hooray! Here's me (with my purple hair and some more of my arm done) relaxing and reading it before I got ready for work. The courier arrived super early, it was crazy. I look a bit sad in this picture. Winter is finally getting to me, I suppose. Also I just woke up so there's that. I think I showed you guys my tattoo with the red done in the last blog so I'll refrain from posting more pictures and go get back to work.
Night! xx