Wow, I've been a bit intimidated about blogging this weekend because there are SO many new people following me. So if you've not seen me around before, hello! I'm Tessa. I tend to blog on here pretty often and I haven't linked up my Instagram account to go directly to my feed so no annoying repetitive pictures for you guys. That said, you will get the occasional reminder to go check out whatever new set I have out because I'm assuming that's why most of you are following me, right?
My current set in Member Review is 'Secret Garden' which hasn't been bought yet. Sad. I shot this set out in the gardens of Australia's federal Parliament House and the only reason I wasn't arrested was because I managed to find a spot where there were no security cameras on a weekend (no gardeners or other staffers in the offices) and on a partially rainy day (almost no people walking by). It was really invigorating shooting that set, it's my favorite so far. SO if you go over to take a look and the little love symbol isn't clicked already, give it a click for me.
An amusing aside, I was looking through all the comments you guys have been leaving and thinking to myself; gosh, everyone is posting stuff like 'amazing as always' and 'beautiful as always' if I had a dollar for every time anyone wrote 'as always' in the comments section of my set I'd have... and then I decided to look it up.
Thirty dollars. I'd have thirty dollars. Haha. Glad you guys think I'm a fairly good hit, though.
This weekend I've been in Sydney for some family birthday and to get some more tattooing done on my arm. My tattooer is fucking amazing, talking through exactly what I wanted before she goes anywhere near my arm. This session I got some of Athena's dress coloured, some more detailing on her shield and colour on her helmet and shield and spear. Right now my arm is pretty swollen, I've been putting ice on it and that's helping a bit. I hate how much it swells up because it hurts right down to my bone! Awful! Here's a progress shot, I didn't take a pic once she was done, but I will once it's healed.
Not sure how many more sessions I have to go. This is three now so I think maybe another four? I don't sit for long. I'm too old for the epic five/six hour sessions of my teens and early twenties! Also I've been sick and stuff so I didn't want to stress my body too much. I'm happy to take it slow, though. Not like I need it done for some kind of deadline or anything. No one is really riding on my half-sleeve except for me and my own personal satisfaction with it.
This week @missy and @rambo have set the SG's and Hopefuls homework asking us what our 'guilty pleasure' is. I've actually not given the topic much thought because I'm pretty good with saving money and socialising and so forth. I don't really feel guilty about most of the things I do. I care about my appearance and spend time on it because I feel like the investment pays off in my own self-esteem and (quite often) brighten up the day of others around me. Small children are so excited by my purple hair, for instance. I pay extra for good, healthy food because my body deserves it. I don't feel guilty about any of the regular stuff that I've seen a lot of others posting about. I like things without guilt. I suppose the one thing I do that I feel bad about is procrastination. I put off doing important jobs and things that involve a lot of hard work because I don't want to do them, even if once they're done I'm less stressed and happier over all. So the activity I feel the guiltiest about is probably lack of activity. That's the best I can come up with!
Speaking of my purple hair, here's a picture of what it looks like right now (as I'm typing this).
Much darker. I'm liking it, though it needs to rinse out a bit more before it's perfect. I still feel like it's a bit too intense for my tastes. I did enough of the fluoro brights when I had red hair. Now, I want a smouldering blueish purple.
I've gotten to see @puffin and @aubreyx and @mouse while I've been here which has been lovely. No sets shot this trip, though. The weather has been awful and rainy and overcast. Right now it's threatening to rain again, actually. So strange, but I suppose that's late winter for you. I can't wait 'til spring hits, so tired of being cold and rugged up.
Yeah that's all I've got for you today. xx