It's been an incredible week for me! Some really stressful stuff has been going on in the office. I couldn't really blog about it (still probably shouldn't, really) but as of yesterday it was officially RESOLVED with no hard feelings! I am indescribably elated over the news because it frees me up from a helluva lot of stress and worry. Now I can just get back to designing low-budget extensions for overambitious dreamers like always.
Today's blog header image is from when @exkyu and I went out to this nearly abandoned park and shot a set for my sister @mouse__ I was going through the photographs yesterday (just an initial pass, not actually doing the post for that one yet) and found this picture of me! I had makeup on because earlier in the day I'd been photographed. Anyway when I zoomed in, voila! I like it even though it's pretty clear I'm thinking "why are you pointing the fucking camera at me?!"
Speaking of, I am shooting a set tomorrow! Really excited about it, it's at a super secret location. Hopefully the weather holds out! Today, I helped @exkyu shoot a semi-oldschool SG member who is no longer active on the site. She came to the Blackheart Burlesque in Canberra and got pretty re-enthused about the site and yeah! Next thing you know she's naked on a classic car. We shot two sets back to back in order to maximise her chances. I would post up her username on here but I am pretty sure she's going to create a new account and start fresh so I will let you guys know.
Here's me in the car, I'll leave you to your deductions about who the model might be...
Apparently this week's blog topic is Ten Things You Never Knew About Me... so I might as well jump on the bandwagon because I can think of a few things.
1 - I have an obsession with symmetry. It affects me a lot in my architectural work because I like to have all my facades completely symmetrical and often the client doesn't want that. I am learning to deal with it, actually, getting tattoos has helped me a lot with it. Not everything needs to be perfectly symmetrical. I also prefer even numbers to odd ones but not nearly as much as I like symmetry.
2 - I'm planning on launching another YouTube channel in a few weeks. Most of you probably know about my Paleo diet/cooking channel SexyPaleoFood, but I've been playing around setting one up for regular stuff (hair/makeup/decor/rants/etc) over at Eyeliner and Whimsy. I really enjoy YouTubing and despite the fact that I don't post much, I am still making a couple of hundred off my channel every month.
3 - I have two bachelor's degrees, one is now considered a 'masters equivalent' (as in, if I did it now, it'd be a Masters of Architecture). I don't really mind that I just have a bachelor because the shorthand for Bachelor of Architecture is BArch. B - Arch. Haha. Read it. B - Arch. Ok you get it, I'll shush. The other degree is an Arts degree majoring in Architecture (yew! recognised prior learning!) and Modern Greek Studies. And yes, I can speak basic Greek. My mum's family are Greeks from Egypt.
4 - I've visited the following countries: New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom, France, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Vatican City and Australia. I've been inside the airports in Thailand and Japan but I don't count those. I really want to visit the Czech Republic and Germany because pretty much everyone says they're awesome. Also Scotland (and England again) because I am an Anglophile. For real. I just bought a rug for my living room and it's the Union Jack!
5 - I'm left handed. I used to suck my thumb when I was a toddler. Apparently I used to reach for things with my right hand all the time when I was REALLY little so my right thumb was always in my mouth. Which means I would reach for things with my left hand. My grandmother always used to say I was a good candidate for ambidextrousness, I tried it for a while but got frustrated. She was probably right, though.
6 - I play piano! I used to get lessons back when I was really really small but I hated the practicing. But since I've had one in my house again, I've found myself going over to tinker on the keys again and again. Eventually, I bit the bullet and printed out Moonlight Sonata to learn. It took me about a year but I've got it down note perfect. I really need to record myself playing it in a bikini or something and put it on YouTube too. "Tattooed bikini model vs Beethoven" haha.
7 - I'm a writer. I write bad romance fiction and chic lit. I've actually got a manuscript most of the way edited that I want to send to a literary agent soon. Fingers crossed on that one.
8 - I'm an epic procrastinator. No one can rival my skills. I'm amazing at not getting anything done but still feeling like I've done a whole day's worth of work.
9 - I have NO sense of direction. I am really really bad at finding my way around. Maybe it's because I don't drive much (or hardly at all, it scares me and there's almost always someone else on hand to drive instead. And my reflexes are so bad, they'll honestly do a better job) but if you plonk me down anywhere, I am already lost. If you ask me where I am I will laugh and tell you I have no idea. Thank goodness for my iPhone, I'd be lost without it. I am REALLY good at reading maps which is a nice consolation prize. If I have a map, I will never ever get lost. Also I'm pretty good at navigating Athens when I can see Acropolis hill. It's like a homing beacon.
10 - When the Olympic games where hosted in my city in 2000, my family took me to see the women's hockey (China vs Netherlands) and the men's waterpolo (USA vs Hungary) also the Olympic flame relay went right past my school so the teachers got us all out during class to watch it pass. I also watched the men's and women's marathon go past and possibly a biking event? I couldn't even name all the stuff I saw at the Paralympics that year. SO MANY!
Right, now I've talked your ears off, remember those hopefuls @aubreyx and @midna_ ? They did this multi together called Yuri and it was *well* hot. Well, this week, they both had solo sets come out! So please go check them out because these girls are both amazing and I helped with these sets!
There are a few more team @exkyu sets coming out soon, but I'll blog about them once they're out. In the mean time, make sure you haven't missed liking and commenting on these amazing pieces of photography: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, it makes me angry that there is literally 7 sets, so like 2 weeks of full time quality professional work sitting in MR right now. I can't really understand it. It's not fair. Most of the sets are well over the "1000 likes" bar as well. Do SG just forget about us Aussies or what's going on exactly? Everyone wants more Aussie girls.
Anyway, on a more positive note, I am pretty sure I'm going to start working towards doing THIS to my hair.
Purple ombre! Think I can pull it off? I'm interested to hear what you guys think. I am also getting so sick of my red hair. It's finally happened. Haha.
Till next time. xx