These are all photosets I did the set direction and post production for. They're all (in a way) my works of art. All of them are wasting away in Member Review. I'm extra sad because they've all done REALLY well!
If you haven't already, please open each one in a new tab and click the love heart on the top right hand side (just above the first row of photoset images) and maybe my friends will become Suicidegirls after all!!
It will literally only take a few seconds of your time and it will CHANGE my life. I am not even kidding. Please.
Here are the links again... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Also this photoset will be coming out in a few months, I've posted a preview pic before, but here's another because I'm so excited:
Yes that's me (without glasses) and @Christina getting naked in MY ACTUAL BED YES.
I've been a busy girl actually, got a few photosets that I did set direction and post production for coming up for Member Review very very soon!
@midna_ and @aubreyx have a multi coming out on the 7th of Feb (so like, two days from now eee!)
@nekophilliac (no definite date yet as staff are going to speed up the queue soon)
@pebblezink (again, no definite date yet because staff will be speeding up the queue soon)
Hello to anyone new that just started following me this week, it's so great to write these blogs knowing at least SOMEONE is going to read them (that's you, yay). If you haven't already, check out my last blog where I wrote about all the stuff I've got going on at the moment and introduced myself a bit better.
Hopefully I can get to know some of you soon. Don't be shy, I'm nice!