I just got back from Grease the musical. Despite it's problematic plot (Sandy basically turns into a slut, not for herself but for some dick that'd rather lose her than be seen as not-cool in front of his mates) it was actually pretty fun. There were some really really drunk ladies a few rows behind me that sang every song off-key which was pretty entertaining and about 90% of the audience was female. Mum bought the tickets because she's a massive fangirl but it was nice to have a weekend in Sydney after the last couple of weeks.
Here's me in Sydney hanging out with my sister's dog. His name is River and he's a half cocker spaniel and half poodle. In Australia we call them spoodles but in the US you guys call them cockapoo's (wtf!!). He's about eight weeks old and definitely needs a grooming session. Right now he's sitting on the floor giving my mum the helpless eyes and following me around every time I get out of my chair and walk anywhere. I think he wants more food. I saw him eat a tissue earlier today which was amusing and also gross. I'm really more of a cat person but he's pretty pleasant to be around (once you get past the doggy smell). I tried my best!
These pics are all just random shots off intstagram because I am out and about. This is from a few weeks ago when we shot @Midna_ 's new MR set. I need to shop those pics of me up properly and see what I've got. No glasses!
Guh, most craptastic part of this month. I got admitted to hospital with a racing heart. They had to give me all sorts of drugs to make it stop. This is the first time in my whole life that my heart's gotten stuck in overdrive the way it did that night. I was doing about 200bpm for around an hour before they got it to go back to normal via a generous dose of Amioderone. I still have bruises everywhere from the drips. They think it's probably an electrical fault due to the damage done to my heart when I had heart surgery but were unable to explain why it's suddenly happened twenty something years later and never beforehand. I've got bookings to see my cardiologist but I feel like a ticking time bomb in the meantime, so scared that it's going to happen again. I'm frightened to exercise and get my heart rate too high, frightened to be anywhere remote in case I have to go to hospital again. Every time I get a heart palpitation I just about jump outta my skin. Very very stressful. :( I managed fine while the crisis was happening and I was in hospital but the next day I was pretty sad and stressed. I just need lots of hugs.
On the plus side here's my new tattoo. The R is for my lastname but I've been telling everyone it's house Rain (of Castamere fame).
Anyway, the Godfather is on TV so I am going to distract myself. My set Ornament and Crime hasn't been bought yet so please go comment on it if you haven't already. I'd love to see it front page. And a big congrats to @jacquerabbit our new Aussie SG!!