I really like the new site now that I am more used to it!! There's always that moment... like when someone re-arranges your kitchen and you don't know where the darn spatula is anymore. But the spatula STILL EXISTS and it's there sompleace and you just have to be able to FIND it! I am definitely getting the hang of it now and I really like the flat design and the emphasis on the images from photosets being the focus. It makes for a very clean feel. But I also like that some of the curly frippery has been maintained (like above and below each girl's username on their profile page). I am also LOVING the fact that people can follow me without friend requesting me! I think you guys must love it too because I've had about 40 new followers since the new site launched (way more than the 'friend requests' I would get in the same amount of time). I am actually a little excited about trimming the list of people I follow so that I can keep up with my actual friends more easily! Also the new set graphic requirements (ie: no more making custom thumbnails or small and large preview pics for each set before you submit) is going to save me SO much time! I do wish that HQ would formally post how to submit a new set, though!! But slowly and surely the bugs will all be ironed out. I believe that 'favourite SG's' and 'Bookmarks' will be coming back. And maybe even Chat!! GASP. All good news from where I am. Kudos to HQ for listening to us all whinge and whine at the changes.
Let's see if I've got this down, I'm going to try and post a picture:
YAY! I did a photoshoot in Sydney on the weekend for the Succulent book series (girls with their favourite foods). I did apples. I love apples. I actually went out and bought the apples for the shoot and now I am working my way through eating them (rather fast, actually). The book also features @christina with a spectacularly large tuna head and I believe you can preorder a copy already! There are so many beautiful tattooed ladies in Sydney, hopefully some of them will become Suicidegirls one day!
Speaking of Sydney Suicidegirls... my congrats to @puffin who went pink a few days ago! YAY! No one deserves pinkitude more than her. I am so excited to see her set Oceanography on the shiny new front page soon!
While I was in Sydney I also hung out with @christina and @aubreyx and @chellasuicide and @exkyu which was lovely!
I love hanging out with everyone so much. It's weird, outside of SG stuff I really do have so few female friends. I am not sure whether it's just that girls don't like me or whatever, but they make 'em different here in SG land. It's really really great. We spent the day shooting some stuff for Zivity and we also shot a set of Chella for SG! Here's a preview, hopefully she is ok with me posting this one. It's stunning though, so why not!
The shoot was really fun. We managed to refrain from making fun of her american accent for the most part. Also Chella's body is FUCKING BANGING WOW. I was watching the set being shot ( @exkyu was doing an amazing job so I didn't really have to 'direct' much, more just hang out and make lewd coments) and every new pose myself and the other girls were like HNNNG! Haha. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Aussie land Chella!!
So right now I am back home again and putting off doing grown up work and I really ought to get on with it. So I guess I'll make a pot of tea and leave this blog right here. HI NEW FOLLOWERS I feel so honored to have you all following me, hopefully I can be suitably entertaining for your liking.
Be good, have fun and don't die!