Yay! It's me! How good is this picture? I've had it for ages and never really looked at it then I opened up the file one day and BAM! Amazing how you just miss some things sometimes. My hair was REALLY flat in the original so I flumped it up on PS and bam! Problem solved! There are equally amazing outtakes that I've found from several SG sets of mine that I just didn't notice at the time either. This is why second opinions are so great.
That's my guiding lesson for today.
Kemper is on the front page and she is awesome so I am going to tell you all. Also here are 59999 hopeful sets that I think are good at the moment. Just kidding, I hate those lists, they always make me cranky... there are all these amazing sets that I then have to go look at and comment on because that's the way I roll. SG should buy more of them. So there.
I am drinking some new tea, it's mint slice flavoured (mint and cocoa pieces in with black tea) YUM! My mouth is having an orgasm right now. YUM!
You guys send me pretty weird messages on here sometimes. Just sayin'. Sorry I never write back, I get too many to keep up with and most of them are pretty odd. Sometimes I worry that I don't have anything to add to what you've all already said. I find it weird when people describe themselves as being 'fans' of me. What the hell, I'm just some naked girl not a celebrity TV chef (one day soon, though...) Apparently this thing that I have is known as imposter syndrome. I think it's pretty common amongst young people.
Speaking of impostors, the first house I designed ALL BY MYSELF is being built at the moment. I am stupidly proud and you should be too. It's awful but the client is happy with it so yay for me. Up till now, it's just been extensions, back rooms and granny flats. This is a HOUSE. Amazing.
Here's another pic of me from that same folder. Very toothy.
I don't really have a whole lot to say today. I've been pretty busy with work and also doing some paid photographic shoots for various photographer's portfolios. I'm going to Sydney soon to hopefully shoot for a rather fancy gentleman's mag (no more Picture and People mag for me? Time shall tell). Hopefully it goes well, he seems keen to shoot me for commercial stuff too which I find interesting. I can't imagine being on a catalog for woolen jumpers... that actually just took me ages to think of something, my first instinct was to go with ab-doer's but they'd want a muscly lady for that and I'm not muscly. Haha. Maybe car insurance. I don't know. I doubt it will amount to anything, I'm just an imposter after all,
I'm in a weird mood today. One of those 'world be damned, I don't care' kind of moods. But I probably should just get back to work. Toodle pip.