Hmm. I really don't have a heap to say at the moment...
I've been reading this interesting book by Marcea Weber (published before I was born) called WHOLEMEALS. Which sounds like a type of bread but actually isn't in this context. Its all about the technical details of what we eat... for example did you know that Thiamin is a vitamin that is really easily destroyed? Apparently it is destroyed by oxygen in the air and is unable to be heated in alkaline or neutral conditions. Baking bread results in a 15-30% loss and toasting results in an additional 10-30% loss. Also Aluminium when used for cooking (eg: in pots and pans) will leech aluminium hydroxide. Aluminium Hydroxide has been linked to digestive problems and alzheimer's disease.
Anyway, the book is about all these small adjustments you can make to what you eat in order to live healthier. Its mostly cook-book which I love too because it means if I want to be dumb, I can just cook something from there. Also all the recipes are put in seasonal categories. Like there's a section for "early summer" that incorporates a lot of foods that are going to be in season in summer. Its mostly vegetarian which I'm ok with (I do love my meat though... probably a little too much!).
Today I cooked Stuffed Peppers for dinner and it was really tasty! I want to start cooking a lot more and learning about stuff like this.... organic eating and whatnot. I want to be off processed food entirely by the time I'm 29. No kids of mine will have ADD from eating too many preservatives! (I hope!)
I also had some tourists visit. They stayed over last night and I took them on a tour of the town. I think they enjoyed their stay even though the fella was a little allergic to my cats. I took them to Vinnies (a "thrift store") so they could get some warm clothes... they'd just been in Fiji for like 9 months so winter was a bit of a shock I think. I might visit them if they're in Europe in Jan/Feb nextyear when I'm going to be up there... that will be even colder. Eeep!
I don't have a new exciting photo so here's a pic of the book I'm going to write one day... HAHA.

Thankfully THAT particular building designed by Adolf Loos was never constructed. And that book will probably follow suit. But really... some male (and some female!) architects really make me laugh. I'm not sure if any of you are fans of the TV show "How I Met Your Mother" but there was a running joke about that there too. The main character's boss designed a building that looked JUST LIKE A PENIS. HAHA SO FUNNY. Ahem. I'm a 12year old boy on the inside... but at least none of my designs have been quite so outrageously phallic.
I've been reading this interesting book by Marcea Weber (published before I was born) called WHOLEMEALS. Which sounds like a type of bread but actually isn't in this context. Its all about the technical details of what we eat... for example did you know that Thiamin is a vitamin that is really easily destroyed? Apparently it is destroyed by oxygen in the air and is unable to be heated in alkaline or neutral conditions. Baking bread results in a 15-30% loss and toasting results in an additional 10-30% loss. Also Aluminium when used for cooking (eg: in pots and pans) will leech aluminium hydroxide. Aluminium Hydroxide has been linked to digestive problems and alzheimer's disease.
Anyway, the book is about all these small adjustments you can make to what you eat in order to live healthier. Its mostly cook-book which I love too because it means if I want to be dumb, I can just cook something from there. Also all the recipes are put in seasonal categories. Like there's a section for "early summer" that incorporates a lot of foods that are going to be in season in summer. Its mostly vegetarian which I'm ok with (I do love my meat though... probably a little too much!).
Today I cooked Stuffed Peppers for dinner and it was really tasty! I want to start cooking a lot more and learning about stuff like this.... organic eating and whatnot. I want to be off processed food entirely by the time I'm 29. No kids of mine will have ADD from eating too many preservatives! (I hope!)
I also had some tourists visit. They stayed over last night and I took them on a tour of the town. I think they enjoyed their stay even though the fella was a little allergic to my cats. I took them to Vinnies (a "thrift store") so they could get some warm clothes... they'd just been in Fiji for like 9 months so winter was a bit of a shock I think. I might visit them if they're in Europe in Jan/Feb nextyear when I'm going to be up there... that will be even colder. Eeep!
I don't have a new exciting photo so here's a pic of the book I'm going to write one day... HAHA.

Thankfully THAT particular building designed by Adolf Loos was never constructed. And that book will probably follow suit. But really... some male (and some female!) architects really make me laugh. I'm not sure if any of you are fans of the TV show "How I Met Your Mother" but there was a running joke about that there too. The main character's boss designed a building that looked JUST LIKE A PENIS. HAHA SO FUNNY. Ahem. I'm a 12year old boy on the inside... but at least none of my designs have been quite so outrageously phallic.
You're absolutely a pure beauty Countessa...