Some bitch pissed me off today in the worst possible way, and I would appreciate if she died.
It was around 3:00 and I was in my English class watching this whore's group present their final project to the class. They finish and everyone goes outside so the next group can set everything up. So I'm sitting there with a couple of friends, minding my own business, when this girl and her group come over and ask us how we thought they did on their presentation. Here's what was said:
Stupid Bitch: do you think we did?
Brent Is Amazing: You put together a real half-assed presentation.
Stupid Bitch: Like oh my God...we TOTALLY just did it at like, 12:30 last night! Like, oh my God, hahaha!
Brent Is Amazing: Well good job on failing, we enjoyed ridiculing you from the audience.
Stupid Bitch: (She obviously doesn't know what to say, and her group isn't saying shit, so she changes the subject) Haha yeah...hey, I remember you from my math class last semester! (Points to my friend) You only showed up, like, once, and you wore a yellow shirt, so my friend and I called you yellow man. Isn't that funny?! And we call you nails (points to my friend Andrew) because of your wrist piercings, hahaha!
This is where everything went to hell
Stupid Bitch: Yeah and're Emo kid with the nice skin! Even though you're kinda pale, you have an amazing complexion!
Brent Is Amazing: Uhhh...thanks?
So the bitch calls me Emo. Not a big deal, I could care less. The compliment about my skin is nice, but I really don't care either. I know I'm not Emo in the slightest...I don't dress that way or listen to shitty Emo music or act all depressed and contrived like Emo kids, so I just laughed at her ignorance. I was about to look the other way and talk to one of my friends when she really labeled herself a stupid fucking bitch with this comment:
Stupid Bitch: Haha shutup! You're so Emo...I TOTALLY saw you wearing that red Depeche Mode shirt, you can't lie to me!
I could give a shit if she calls me Emo, but the fact that the impetus for labeling me Emo was that I wore a Depeche Mode shirt is absolutely incredible! Since when have shitty bands like Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, and Rufio been in the same genre of music as DEPECHE MODE?!?! Is it really necessary to explain to this whore that Depeche Mode was synth pop / electric and has absolutely NOTHING IN COMMON with shitty Emo?
Absolute Brilliance:
Whining Pieces of Shit:
Last time I checked, Depeche Mode's songs weren't all whining pieces of shit having to do with high school drama or breaking up with your stupid sophomore girlfriend...what the fuck is the deal with this bitch? Oh, and Dave Gahan doesn't cry and bitch with his vocals like every single Emo "singer" (and I use the term loosely here) does 100% of the time. Jesus Christ!
Anyways, I was so shocked that she actually said what she did that I got up while she was in mid-sentence and walked to the vending machines to buy a Coke. I've never been a violent person in the slightest, but I think if I didn't walk away I would have punched this bitch in the fucking face.
Stupid whore: If you're reading this, I hope you fucking die.
It was around 3:00 and I was in my English class watching this whore's group present their final project to the class. They finish and everyone goes outside so the next group can set everything up. So I'm sitting there with a couple of friends, minding my own business, when this girl and her group come over and ask us how we thought they did on their presentation. Here's what was said:
Stupid Bitch: do you think we did?
Brent Is Amazing: You put together a real half-assed presentation.
Stupid Bitch: Like oh my God...we TOTALLY just did it at like, 12:30 last night! Like, oh my God, hahaha!
Brent Is Amazing: Well good job on failing, we enjoyed ridiculing you from the audience.
Stupid Bitch: (She obviously doesn't know what to say, and her group isn't saying shit, so she changes the subject) Haha yeah...hey, I remember you from my math class last semester! (Points to my friend) You only showed up, like, once, and you wore a yellow shirt, so my friend and I called you yellow man. Isn't that funny?! And we call you nails (points to my friend Andrew) because of your wrist piercings, hahaha!
This is where everything went to hell
Stupid Bitch: Yeah and're Emo kid with the nice skin! Even though you're kinda pale, you have an amazing complexion!
Brent Is Amazing: Uhhh...thanks?
So the bitch calls me Emo. Not a big deal, I could care less. The compliment about my skin is nice, but I really don't care either. I know I'm not Emo in the slightest...I don't dress that way or listen to shitty Emo music or act all depressed and contrived like Emo kids, so I just laughed at her ignorance. I was about to look the other way and talk to one of my friends when she really labeled herself a stupid fucking bitch with this comment:
Stupid Bitch: Haha shutup! You're so Emo...I TOTALLY saw you wearing that red Depeche Mode shirt, you can't lie to me!
I could give a shit if she calls me Emo, but the fact that the impetus for labeling me Emo was that I wore a Depeche Mode shirt is absolutely incredible! Since when have shitty bands like Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, and Rufio been in the same genre of music as DEPECHE MODE?!?! Is it really necessary to explain to this whore that Depeche Mode was synth pop / electric and has absolutely NOTHING IN COMMON with shitty Emo?
Absolute Brilliance:

Whining Pieces of Shit:

Last time I checked, Depeche Mode's songs weren't all whining pieces of shit having to do with high school drama or breaking up with your stupid sophomore girlfriend...what the fuck is the deal with this bitch? Oh, and Dave Gahan doesn't cry and bitch with his vocals like every single Emo "singer" (and I use the term loosely here) does 100% of the time. Jesus Christ!
Anyways, I was so shocked that she actually said what she did that I got up while she was in mid-sentence and walked to the vending machines to buy a Coke. I've never been a violent person in the slightest, but I think if I didn't walk away I would have punched this bitch in the fucking face.
Stupid whore: If you're reading this, I hope you fucking die.
I always wonder if it's more satisfying to really lay into morons like that just so they wake up or if its better to just pity them and laugh.