So my English 102H "final" is a group project that includes a 50 minute in-class presentation and a 10 page research paper. I'm in a group with two of my good friends and another kid we like to call Ben the Panda.
The course itself is Honors Argumentative Writing/Literature, so naturally the final project topic is in accordance with the course description. We have to pick a controversial topic, take a stance, present both sides of the argument, etc. etc. etc. Well...since my group is filled with a bunch of fucking weirdos (myself included), we've decided to do our project on NAMBLA. For those of you who aren't familiar with this amazing organization, allow me to elaborate.
NAMBLA stands for the North American Man/Boy Love Association, a sexual freedom group devoted to man/boy love. These guys don't like to call themselves pedophiles, but rather "intergenerational sex enthusiasts." NAMBLA has been around for about thirty years, but isn't in the best shape right now due to lawsuits and various other legal matters. It seems that some people are beginning to have problems with the idea of man/boy love.
Anyways, allow me to outline our presentation; feel free to offer any advice you feel would be helpful.
The four of us are going to walk into our presentation dressed as old men and little boys (I've already secured my position as a little boy). We're going to introduce ourselves and immediately show clips of the South Park episode that deals with NAMBLA, without even mentioning what our topic is. This should get everyone's attention.
My friend Donnie is going to then go over anthropological evidence that will hopefully elucidate the idea of man/boy love and show why some people may be attracted to it. After he presents his information, I'm going to take over and talk about the Greeks and how homosexuality (particularly man/boy relationships) was actually the preferred way for educated men to live their lives. By including historical and anthropological evidence, we're hoping to show that the concept behind NAMBLA has been around for quite a long time before being consolidated to represent an actual organization.
Next comes what is quite possibly the best part of our presentation: a little video entitled Chickenhawk: Men Who Love Boys. Although I haven't seen the video yet (I just got it off eBay for fucking $30.00), a friend of mine has seen it and he says it's absolutely incredible. Chickenhawk should be a sure hit for the sheer hilarity factor alone. Evidently there's a scene in the movie where the film crew is following a die-hard NAMBLA member through a city. The NAMBLA member sees a young teenage boy talking at a pay phone and sends him a very suggestive stare. The boy becomes visibly embarrassed/uneasy, and turns away from the older man. The NAMBLA member then turns to the camera and says "You see that? That little boy wanted to fuck me." Holy shit, this is too good to be true.
After some Chickenhawk clips, Ben the Panda and I are going to present an anti-NAMBLA argument, followed by a pro-NAMBLA argument from Donnie and Darius. We're going to then facilitate an open discussion with the rest of the class on the topic. There are a group of about 5 die-hard conservatives in our class who should have a shit-fit over the idea of NAMBLA, but there is also a group of people who will likely take more understanding stances on the issue. It should be interesting.
Anyways, as Ben the Panda recently told me: "Our goal should be to convince at least one of those conservatives in our class that NAMBLA is socially acceptable...simply so we can ridicule them mercilessly afterwards." Sounds like a good plan to me.
The course itself is Honors Argumentative Writing/Literature, so naturally the final project topic is in accordance with the course description. We have to pick a controversial topic, take a stance, present both sides of the argument, etc. etc. etc. Well...since my group is filled with a bunch of fucking weirdos (myself included), we've decided to do our project on NAMBLA. For those of you who aren't familiar with this amazing organization, allow me to elaborate.
NAMBLA stands for the North American Man/Boy Love Association, a sexual freedom group devoted to man/boy love. These guys don't like to call themselves pedophiles, but rather "intergenerational sex enthusiasts." NAMBLA has been around for about thirty years, but isn't in the best shape right now due to lawsuits and various other legal matters. It seems that some people are beginning to have problems with the idea of man/boy love.
Anyways, allow me to outline our presentation; feel free to offer any advice you feel would be helpful.
The four of us are going to walk into our presentation dressed as old men and little boys (I've already secured my position as a little boy). We're going to introduce ourselves and immediately show clips of the South Park episode that deals with NAMBLA, without even mentioning what our topic is. This should get everyone's attention.
My friend Donnie is going to then go over anthropological evidence that will hopefully elucidate the idea of man/boy love and show why some people may be attracted to it. After he presents his information, I'm going to take over and talk about the Greeks and how homosexuality (particularly man/boy relationships) was actually the preferred way for educated men to live their lives. By including historical and anthropological evidence, we're hoping to show that the concept behind NAMBLA has been around for quite a long time before being consolidated to represent an actual organization.
Next comes what is quite possibly the best part of our presentation: a little video entitled Chickenhawk: Men Who Love Boys. Although I haven't seen the video yet (I just got it off eBay for fucking $30.00), a friend of mine has seen it and he says it's absolutely incredible. Chickenhawk should be a sure hit for the sheer hilarity factor alone. Evidently there's a scene in the movie where the film crew is following a die-hard NAMBLA member through a city. The NAMBLA member sees a young teenage boy talking at a pay phone and sends him a very suggestive stare. The boy becomes visibly embarrassed/uneasy, and turns away from the older man. The NAMBLA member then turns to the camera and says "You see that? That little boy wanted to fuck me." Holy shit, this is too good to be true.
After some Chickenhawk clips, Ben the Panda and I are going to present an anti-NAMBLA argument, followed by a pro-NAMBLA argument from Donnie and Darius. We're going to then facilitate an open discussion with the rest of the class on the topic. There are a group of about 5 die-hard conservatives in our class who should have a shit-fit over the idea of NAMBLA, but there is also a group of people who will likely take more understanding stances on the issue. It should be interesting.
Anyways, as Ben the Panda recently told me: "Our goal should be to convince at least one of those conservatives in our class that NAMBLA is socially acceptable...simply so we can ridicule them mercilessly afterwards." Sounds like a good plan to me.
p.s. generally, when someone comments in yur journal, and you want to comment back, you go to their journal and comment what you were going to say there.
Then again, I could do what you suggested. Who knows.
[Edited on May 13, 2004 4:09PM]