I uploaded a ton of pictures from work to my profile today, most consisting of shots of LARRY.
For those of you who don't know about Larry, let me enlighten you.
Larry is a regular customer at Seattle's Best who happens to be an insane schizophrenic. Larry is in his mid-50's and never works. From information all of us have gathered from him, we think he is an ex-Vietnam veteran who literally went insane from dropping far too much acid during the war (and the fact that Vietnam was horrendous surely added to his current mental state).
Larry has multiple personalities and is an obsessive compulsive. When Larry is taking his medication, he's a very nice guy who is coherent and talkative. When he's not taking his meds, he's fucking insane. Larry likes everything just so: he ALWAYS wears the exact same outfit, hates it when you put a sleeve on his coffee cup (he once remarked "sleeves are for pussies and women" when I accidentally put a sleeve on his coffee cup), never puts cream or sugar in his coffee if other people are around the condiment bar, values certain state quarters higher than others and absolutely refuses to pay with New York or Vermont, and has tremendous animosity towards all Asians (who he collectively refers to as "VC's" or "nips").
Some notable Larry instances include a 20-minute conversation with a trash can, telling a 5-year-old to "get the fuck out of the way" when the child was lingering around the condiment bar too long, and throwing a handful of nickels at me when I first started working at Seattle's Best and didn't know all of his bizarre preferences (he and I talk all the time now, but it takes a while for him to warm up to new people).
Larry has been taking his medication regularly for the past four months, until the past week. To put it bluntly, he's been a fucking psycho. He comes in the store via the rear door and exits out the front door without ordering or saying anything. Then he does the same thing five more times. He's been constantly mumbling and laughing to himself, and he typically smokes two packs of cigarettes and drinks ~10 cups of coffee per visit.
Today he did a couple of things that were really fucking weird. I had gotten him his coffee and was sitting on the rear counter while he made his way to the condiment bar. Larry was standing at the condiment bar in his typical Larry Stance and was putting cream and sugar in his coffee, all the while making bizarre hand gestures and mumbling/conversing with himself. He was mid-sentence in whatever statement/mumble he was making to himself, when he suddenly and extremely quickly jerked his head around and said to me "Hey Brent, how's it going? That fucking trash can out there is giving me lip again." I was speechless.
The second instance came about fifteen minutes later. Larry had just finished putting cream and sugar in his 9th cup of the day and exited out the rear door to go to his table in front of the main store window; I was busy talking to Phillip. As he was making his way around the store to get to his seat, he opened up the front door, poked his head in, laughed hysterically, and said "Hey Brent, how's it going?" Before I could respond, he slammed the door and sat down at his table.
Anyways, check out the Larry pictures I just put up. Here are some of the more notable ones:
For those of you who don't know about Larry, let me enlighten you.
Larry is a regular customer at Seattle's Best who happens to be an insane schizophrenic. Larry is in his mid-50's and never works. From information all of us have gathered from him, we think he is an ex-Vietnam veteran who literally went insane from dropping far too much acid during the war (and the fact that Vietnam was horrendous surely added to his current mental state).
Larry has multiple personalities and is an obsessive compulsive. When Larry is taking his medication, he's a very nice guy who is coherent and talkative. When he's not taking his meds, he's fucking insane. Larry likes everything just so: he ALWAYS wears the exact same outfit, hates it when you put a sleeve on his coffee cup (he once remarked "sleeves are for pussies and women" when I accidentally put a sleeve on his coffee cup), never puts cream or sugar in his coffee if other people are around the condiment bar, values certain state quarters higher than others and absolutely refuses to pay with New York or Vermont, and has tremendous animosity towards all Asians (who he collectively refers to as "VC's" or "nips").
Some notable Larry instances include a 20-minute conversation with a trash can, telling a 5-year-old to "get the fuck out of the way" when the child was lingering around the condiment bar too long, and throwing a handful of nickels at me when I first started working at Seattle's Best and didn't know all of his bizarre preferences (he and I talk all the time now, but it takes a while for him to warm up to new people).
Larry has been taking his medication regularly for the past four months, until the past week. To put it bluntly, he's been a fucking psycho. He comes in the store via the rear door and exits out the front door without ordering or saying anything. Then he does the same thing five more times. He's been constantly mumbling and laughing to himself, and he typically smokes two packs of cigarettes and drinks ~10 cups of coffee per visit.
Today he did a couple of things that were really fucking weird. I had gotten him his coffee and was sitting on the rear counter while he made his way to the condiment bar. Larry was standing at the condiment bar in his typical Larry Stance and was putting cream and sugar in his coffee, all the while making bizarre hand gestures and mumbling/conversing with himself. He was mid-sentence in whatever statement/mumble he was making to himself, when he suddenly and extremely quickly jerked his head around and said to me "Hey Brent, how's it going? That fucking trash can out there is giving me lip again." I was speechless.
The second instance came about fifteen minutes later. Larry had just finished putting cream and sugar in his 9th cup of the day and exited out the rear door to go to his table in front of the main store window; I was busy talking to Phillip. As he was making his way around the store to get to his seat, he opened up the front door, poked his head in, laughed hysterically, and said "Hey Brent, how's it going?" Before I could respond, he slammed the door and sat down at his table.
Anyways, check out the Larry pictures I just put up. Here are some of the more notable ones:

i'm jealous of your skin
[Edited on May 13, 2004 12:54AM]
i'm jealous of your skin