Everyone needs to do themselves a favor and watch "Hotel Rwanda". Witness how the international community turns a blind eye to those countries who have no resources to offer. When the oil kingdom of Kuwait was invaded the world rushed to its aid. In Serbia, Milosevic stood in the the way of pipeline construction to supply Europe with oil from the East, so he was suppressed. But Rwanda was left to suffer. And now we drag our feet with Sudan. It appears that the good will of our world goverments require a monetary incentive.
How sad.
(Sorry to bum anyone out, but it's worth bumming over. Nay, its worth getting pissed over.)
How sad.
(Sorry to bum anyone out, but it's worth bumming over. Nay, its worth getting pissed over.)
i think i passed my test but with my luck now that i've said it... i won't. but whatever. i got the shock of my life today when i was told at orientation that they were drawing bloodwork for our "health assessments". but apparently they just check immunization status and not drug testing. i'd be pretty screwed if they did. i haven't really heard of any hospitals doing drug testing. i think they're all aware that a) canadians are all hippies at heart and b) nurses like to party.
mental note to self: go to yoga.
seriously its hot as balls here. i was up at 6 this morning and the weathernetwork said it was 23 degrees but feels like 31. i'd give my exboyfriends left testicle for some icy tundra action right now. jeeebus.
i just realized that 31 degrees probably means nothing to you. stupid conversions.....
im impressed.
however... 16 is much too warm for a hoodie. its nice comfy tshirt weather. sweet jebus i wish it was 16 right now...