This week passed so fast. There was so much stuff going on. First shooting day we did very cute set with Creide we were laughing the whole time altough we had to wake up at 3 in the morning but it was totally worth it. FrolleinSuzy was taking pictures during the shooting. They are hilarious (i think you will be able to chceck them at Creides blog soon)!
Later that day we did shooting with Ed_ in which i had the honor to appear in in few pictures.
Next day was 2Shadowland shooting set with Denie and Coccinelle.
The set with Denie was kind of last moment thing because of the circumstances we couldnt stick with the plan and we had lot of difficulties. At the end we arrived to the place of shooting late so we had only hour to do the set. Luckily Denie is really amazing model so it was not a problem at all
and the the set is mindblowing
With Coccinelle's set it was same case. We were runing late but everything worked out perfectly. I had never done the whole make-up for somebody that fast.
Then of coarse there is two of my sets in two days we did with 2Shadowland. It took little bit longer because the first one was really hard to do. Oh well you will see yourselves very soon why it took us 5 hours just to do one set...thats all i can say for now
You will just have to wait
The week with 2Shadowland is almoast over and it makes me sad and happy in same same time. Sad that he is leaving because we had lot of fun and it was pleasure to assist him during the shooting. However im happy with the work we did and i feel honored i could be part of the creative process. I think we were really good team
. Theng again he is coming back in june with gorgeous Abbiss and that will be even twice as much fun
...again you can see some pictures from this week on 2Shadowland's blog
Later that day we did shooting with Ed_ in which i had the honor to appear in in few pictures.
Next day was 2Shadowland shooting set with Denie and Coccinelle.
The set with Denie was kind of last moment thing because of the circumstances we couldnt stick with the plan and we had lot of difficulties. At the end we arrived to the place of shooting late so we had only hour to do the set. Luckily Denie is really amazing model so it was not a problem at all

With Coccinelle's set it was same case. We were runing late but everything worked out perfectly. I had never done the whole make-up for somebody that fast.
Then of coarse there is two of my sets in two days we did with 2Shadowland. It took little bit longer because the first one was really hard to do. Oh well you will see yourselves very soon why it took us 5 hours just to do one set...thats all i can say for now

The week with 2Shadowland is almoast over and it makes me sad and happy in same same time. Sad that he is leaving because we had lot of fun and it was pleasure to assist him during the shooting. However im happy with the work we did and i feel honored i could be part of the creative process. I think we were really good team

...again you can see some pictures from this week on 2Shadowland's blog

Back in belgium but with my head still in Pragues for a moment everytime i see the pictures

Nah, they are for sale to the highest bidder.