What another great day. Today i get to be in AP goverernment for 3 hours eh i can stand it for awhile but i know ill go insane very soon.
Today is another exciting day in the life of Jacob. First have to start reading my new book, second actually give a shit to study for my spanish 2 test, third go see Nacho Libre with my buddy David, and fourth and finally chalange him to a Guitar Hero match of the century (hopefully ill beat him this time).
Today shall be an exciting day cause i have the night shift as always with my favorite (and only) assistant manager Kelly. So me and her will have debates on such great topics as why someone actually did a trade in for some hentai in the back lol. Then i shall chalange her punk self to a table tenis match of the century. Then ill...
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Today shall be another exciting day in my book. Half life 2 episode 1 comes out today and ive been waiting to fucking long for it so im happy its finally here now. Also you can tell when you have an addiction when u play Guitar Hero untill 4 in the morning. Let me tell ya though its hard to stop any game where can...
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Ah for today is my fist day here hurray. Today was another exciting day at school they just wont let us go yet i got that desiease i like to call seinoritis. Just let me out of that hell hold!!!