Classes got started today what joy. Today i start off with the great class of PE i cant believe they even make people in college take that class. Later today though i have english discourse which should be intresting. We shall see how it goes today but im still homesick though. I'm glad though that classes started get my day going and all. Wish me...
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Hope you have fun at school, is it a big university, jc or what? living in a dorm?......either way, good luck, and enjoy it!!
So i finally made it to college alive hurray!!! It's my first day here and so far dont like it to much but i mean i just got here if anything it will probably get better but whatever. I'm so tired though woke up at 6 this morning feel like falling right back into bed. Love ya all bye bye.
Man X and Henry Rollins Band put on the best show i've seen in years!!!
It would have been the best show ive seen except when i always go to the 930 club you always get that one drunk guy who wants to mosh at the worst times. One thing Henry Rollins band is okay to Mosh to heavier band but X not really cause...
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It would have been the best show ive seen except when i always go to the 930 club you always get that one drunk guy who wants to mosh at the worst times. One thing Henry Rollins band is okay to Mosh to heavier band but X not really cause...
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don't be nervous, you'll be fine.
Another day of great work at gamestop. Sadly though saturday shall be my last day at Gamestop ill miss the whole crew at Gamestop. For me though i guess i'm ready and all to get going for college still not terribly excited. Talked with my roommate though its very wierd though because he is a seinor and im a freshman. You would think being a...
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its sweet that you were thinking of me....have a great weekend, enjoy your last few days of freedom before school!!
The Countdown continues as im less than 2 weeks away from college
You would think i should be more excited about going to college but im not really. The thought of leaving all my friends behind to maybe pick up new ones just sounds so exciting. Second i have no clue how ill do class wise im starting off with French 1,Introduction to American Government,...
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You would think i should be more excited about going to college but im not really. The thought of leaving all my friends behind to maybe pick up new ones just sounds so exciting. Second i have no clue how ill do class wise im starting off with French 1,Introduction to American Government,...
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Trust me on this one: you will make sooooo many new friends you won't know what to do with yourself. As fucked up as this sounds, all of the friends you have back home will sometimes fade into the background. That's not necessarily a bad thing. You just have to take life as it comes at you. Just remain openminded and you'll be great!!
My countdown for school is now at 20 days... Woopee!!
My countdown for school is now at 20 days... Woopee!!
i just took pictures to free myself fromthe boring
Wow college is only 2 and a half weeks away somehow im real nervous and all. For today though im going to talk about something else that just strikes me as strange. I'm not sure if anyone has seen it or heard of it but here it is the craziest site of all
Supposidly the conservative punk movement and this site was started by...
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Supposidly the conservative punk movement and this site was started by...
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School doesn't start here for another three and a half weeks... I'm really excited though. (Probably because it's my last semester). I just want to get it over with. ![smile](
Another glorious day to be alive and another thing for me to rant about. I just came back from Chinese and it got me thinking the fortune cookies have stopped telling fortunes. The one i got tonight said that i should smile more because it makes people around you happier. Instead of them writing crap like this here is my suggestion. Make a prediction but...
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Very, very true... Although I would have to laugh my ass off if a fortune told someone to get a real job... That would make me sooooo happy!!
I've never broken a bone or even had a sprain before this. I still have a really high pain tolerance though, because I've burned myself and gotten some serious cuts and crap. But this really hurt. I think it was mostly just because I could barely move my arm and that pissed me off.
But it's starting to feel a little bit better. I was able to work for a few hours today. It's a little sore, but still good. So yay!
But it's starting to feel a little bit better. I was able to work for a few hours today. It's a little sore, but still good. So yay!
Ahhhh i know its been so god damn long since ive done this but ill rant for a bit. Just came back from my campus connection thingy at school. Campus connection is where we meet up with other freshman at the school (Greensboro College) and go on a silly camping trip. From what i learned i hated the majority of the people in my freshman...
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I HATED that when I was a freshman in college. We had to go to campus a week early and were required to go to these stupid seminars every day. It was the most ridiculous thing EVER.
And, yeah, I found I didn't like many of the people in my class either. I think maybe they just shouldn't do that anymore. They're going to turn people off to college...
And, yeah, I found I didn't like many of the people in my class either. I think maybe they just shouldn't do that anymore. They're going to turn people off to college...
I know i havent posted in awhile but here goes nothing. This week im real busy for starters had to finish a big paper for AP English. Second im pissed at Herff Jones for not ordering my gown which i did do for graduation.
Got my awesome new haircut as you can see. Hopefully itll stay this nice for the rest of the week.