From livingdeadkirst's journal ... then stolen off thinline
*Time started: 12.16pm
*Name: Angie
*Nickname: cottongloves
*Single or Taken: a little from column A, little from column B
*Sex: lady
*Birthday: 27/07/1980
*Sign: Leo
*Siblings: 2 little sisters
*Hair color: black but might change it soon
*Eye colour: green blue things
*Shoe size: us7 cahnges though little fat feet
*Height: 5'4
*Innie or Outie: innie thank god
*What are you wearing right now: brown cords, red jumper and a big smile
*Where do you live: not telling
*Righty or lefty: righty you know leftys die 9 years earlier apparently
*Who are your closest friends?: jeez ahhhh uummmm i don't have any friends
*Best place to go for a date: my room
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: threadless tshirts at the moment it's neat
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings? i do now... woo hoo little "Alameda" on my arm, labret, strechy ears to 10mil
*Color: red
*Number(s): i always say 4 but i think it's made up just so i have a special number, keno it's always 65...
*Food: potato chips
*Boys name: lot's seymour, oscar, zooey, simon... favorite boy's name to say is steve it's so fun go on say it..
*Girls name: Alameda
*Subject in school: Art i guess cause it was the only one i was good at
*Animal: hard one too many
*Drink: lately caffine free diet coke sure it's still pretty bad for me though
*Celebrity: meh celebrities poop, anyone who's a spunk really
*Sport: hahahaha ahhh sport yep
*Veggie: potato
*Fruit: Apple
*Fast food place: nando's at the moment
*Place to visit: i don't go anywhere
*Month: meh
*Juice: huh? what's juice?
*Finger: umm..
*Ice Cream: chocolate any day
*Breakfast: don't really eat breakfast makes me feel sick
*Perfume/Cologne: spirit of the moonflower from the body shop i have so much of that shit
*Given anyone a bath: yes my daughter
*Smoked: ahh unfortunatly it's hard to stop
*Bungee jumped: no way!!!
*Broken the law: yes
*Made yourself throw-up: yep
*Gone skinny dipping: nope too cold
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yep did it the other day by accident
*Eaten a dog biscuit: no
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: nope
*Loved someone that made you cry?: yes
*Played truth or dare: too often
*Been in a physical fight: yes a little one with my friends nothing more than pulling hair
*Been in a police car: yep had the uniform on and everything had my photo taken for a laugh was like 14
*Been on a plane: lets just not talk about it i hate flying
*Been in a sauna: yep
*Been in a hot tub: don't really like the hot tub maybe it's the people i was with
*Swam in the ocean: tried to can't swim
*Fallen asleep in school: yeah i had classes i used just for sleeping
*Ever had a sex dream: all the time with nearly everyone i've met
*Broken someone's heart: i wish
*Cried when someone died: yes
*Flashed someone: yes too often
*Lied: yes too often
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: no but i watched a friend do it
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yes i am a loser
*Saved e-mails: nope
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: just so i could sex some guys and gals and jerk off
*Made out with JUST a friend?: yes too often hey i get bored!
*Been rejected? of course
*Been in love? yeah i spose
*Used someone: yep
*Been cheated on? yep
*Done something you regret? yep
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: tie
*Blue: sky , only cause it rymes i think
*Happy: go lucky
*Autumn: may
*Cow: spots
*Greenland: green hahaha ahhh how dumb yes i have an imagination
*Your good luck charm: nope
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: to many
*Your crush: simon le bon ohh my god i should be over it by now
*Your most prized possession: my books and comics
*Last thing you ate: ahh mountain bread with cheese exciting huh
*Fave song: too many
*Thing that has happened to you this year: first tattoo can't believe i left it this late
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: yep when i was fourteen i had them everywhere and i mean everywhere was horrible
*Sore Throat: constantly
*Cold: all the time
*Stitches: yes i had a baby
*Bloody nose: only when i was little and got nervous
*Crabs: oh my god no
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: i believe in lust at first sight
*Enjoy parks: sometimes
*Like picnics: nope
*Like school: nope
*What schools have you gone to: 3 different ones
*Hate anyone: not hate dislike
*Who: everyone
*Who is the last person that called you: i have no friends remember
*Makes you laugh the most: myself
*Makes you smile: my daughter
*Can make you feel better no matter what: see above
*Was the last person you touched? again
*You talked to last: again
*You hugged?: again
*Massaged: jeez i wish i never give or recieve
*You Kissed?: my daughter again
*You yelled at: jeez this isn't made for people who have kids is it
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: Yes! i am tops
*Do you get along with your family: ahhh yeah my mum and my sisters
*Do you do drugs: nope
*Color your hair?: all the time
*Piercings below the waist?: i'm not the brave
*Habla espanol: non
*Stolen anything ever? yeah often i steal only if it's fair though
*Obsessive: very
*Compulsive: very
*Anorexic: hahahaha ahhh nope
*Depressed? meh
*Suicidal?: nope too scared of death to be suicidal
*what time is it now?: 1.01pm i had stuff to do in between
wow how exciting! killed some time i guess and you get to learn more about me oohhhh
*Time started: 12.16pm
*Name: Angie
*Nickname: cottongloves
*Single or Taken: a little from column A, little from column B
*Sex: lady
*Birthday: 27/07/1980
*Sign: Leo
*Siblings: 2 little sisters
*Hair color: black but might change it soon
*Eye colour: green blue things
*Shoe size: us7 cahnges though little fat feet
*Height: 5'4
*Innie or Outie: innie thank god
*What are you wearing right now: brown cords, red jumper and a big smile
*Where do you live: not telling
*Righty or lefty: righty you know leftys die 9 years earlier apparently
*Who are your closest friends?: jeez ahhhh uummmm i don't have any friends
*Best place to go for a date: my room
~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: threadless tshirts at the moment it's neat
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings? i do now... woo hoo little "Alameda" on my arm, labret, strechy ears to 10mil
*Color: red
*Number(s): i always say 4 but i think it's made up just so i have a special number, keno it's always 65...
*Food: potato chips
*Boys name: lot's seymour, oscar, zooey, simon... favorite boy's name to say is steve it's so fun go on say it..
*Girls name: Alameda
*Subject in school: Art i guess cause it was the only one i was good at
*Animal: hard one too many
*Drink: lately caffine free diet coke sure it's still pretty bad for me though
*Celebrity: meh celebrities poop, anyone who's a spunk really
*Sport: hahahaha ahhh sport yep
*Veggie: potato
*Fruit: Apple
*Fast food place: nando's at the moment
*Place to visit: i don't go anywhere
*Month: meh
*Juice: huh? what's juice?
*Finger: umm..
*Ice Cream: chocolate any day
*Breakfast: don't really eat breakfast makes me feel sick
*Perfume/Cologne: spirit of the moonflower from the body shop i have so much of that shit
*Given anyone a bath: yes my daughter
*Smoked: ahh unfortunatly it's hard to stop
*Bungee jumped: no way!!!
*Broken the law: yes
*Made yourself throw-up: yep
*Gone skinny dipping: nope too cold
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yep did it the other day by accident
*Eaten a dog biscuit: no
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: nope
*Loved someone that made you cry?: yes
*Played truth or dare: too often
*Been in a physical fight: yes a little one with my friends nothing more than pulling hair
*Been in a police car: yep had the uniform on and everything had my photo taken for a laugh was like 14
*Been on a plane: lets just not talk about it i hate flying
*Been in a sauna: yep
*Been in a hot tub: don't really like the hot tub maybe it's the people i was with
*Swam in the ocean: tried to can't swim
*Fallen asleep in school: yeah i had classes i used just for sleeping
*Ever had a sex dream: all the time with nearly everyone i've met
*Broken someone's heart: i wish
*Cried when someone died: yes
*Flashed someone: yes too often
*Lied: yes too often
*Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: no but i watched a friend do it
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yes i am a loser
*Saved e-mails: nope
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: just so i could sex some guys and gals and jerk off
*Made out with JUST a friend?: yes too often hey i get bored!
*Been rejected? of course
*Been in love? yeah i spose
*Used someone: yep
*Been cheated on? yep
*Done something you regret? yep
First Thing That Comes to Mind
*Red: tie
*Blue: sky , only cause it rymes i think
*Happy: go lucky
*Autumn: may
*Cow: spots
*Greenland: green hahaha ahhh how dumb yes i have an imagination
*Your good luck charm: nope
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: to many
*Your crush: simon le bon ohh my god i should be over it by now
*Your most prized possession: my books and comics
*Last thing you ate: ahh mountain bread with cheese exciting huh
*Fave song: too many
*Thing that has happened to you this year: first tattoo can't believe i left it this late
Have You Ever Had
*Chicken pox: yep when i was fourteen i had them everywhere and i mean everywhere was horrible
*Sore Throat: constantly
*Cold: all the time
*Stitches: yes i had a baby
*Bloody nose: only when i was little and got nervous
*Crabs: oh my god no
Do you
*Believe in love at first sight: i believe in lust at first sight
*Enjoy parks: sometimes
*Like picnics: nope
*Like school: nope
*What schools have you gone to: 3 different ones
*Hate anyone: not hate dislike
*Who: everyone
*Who is the last person that called you: i have no friends remember
*Makes you laugh the most: myself
*Makes you smile: my daughter
*Can make you feel better no matter what: see above
*Was the last person you touched? again
*You talked to last: again
*You hugged?: again
*Massaged: jeez i wish i never give or recieve
*You Kissed?: my daughter again
*You yelled at: jeez this isn't made for people who have kids is it
Do You/Are You
*Do you like yourself: Yes! i am tops
*Do you get along with your family: ahhh yeah my mum and my sisters
*Do you do drugs: nope
*Color your hair?: all the time
*Piercings below the waist?: i'm not the brave
*Habla espanol: non
*Stolen anything ever? yeah often i steal only if it's fair though
*Obsessive: very
*Compulsive: very
*Anorexic: hahahaha ahhh nope
*Depressed? meh
*Suicidal?: nope too scared of death to be suicidal
*what time is it now?: 1.01pm i had stuff to do in between
wow how exciting! killed some time i guess and you get to learn more about me oohhhh

blythe: are beautifull and you like preacher and you have a little girl...i have a boy hes called logan, hes 13mnths old and hes crazy!!!!!! youre my new best friend call me every 5 minutes!!!
are you ever gonna be an SG?? xxx