I don't even know where to start this.
I got to spend the evening with Harlyquinn, Sweetpea, galaxy_, Onyx, Rockett, Apollo, Charmaine, Sedona, Indigo, Rarity_, Mewes, Mister_, Jensen, Okami, Missy and probably a lot of other girls that I currently can't remember because i'm hungover.
Most of us were hopefuls at the party so when everyone started taking pictures of us, we were all like, "whaa?"
I know I nearly pissed myself. I'm not used to that kind of attention. But it was still really awesome. Apollo, Rockett and Charmaine did an interview for drive by movies as well as Indigo, Sedona and I. The interactive photo was a lot of fun.
I accidentally let my coyote out when I was doing my part for the photo booth and kept taking peoples hats, putting their shirts over their head or jumping on their backs.
All of the girls looked gorgeous and It was amazing seeing everyone, as well as finally meeting Missy. She's just a little ball of sweetheart.
And there were so many babes who came to the hopeful casting!
I was drooling everywhere.
I learned that I'm never wearing heels to an SG event again though. My feet still hurt.
But seriously though, If you came out last night, thanks so much for y'alls support! It was great getting to meet so many of you who support all of us girls.
Rarity, HarlyQuinn and I
Onyx and I
Missy and I
Okami and Rockett
Also, HarlyQuinn has a new set out in MR that you all need to go show some love to! It's an adventure time Themed set, and I'm in love with it and her.

Most of us were hopefuls at the party so when everyone started taking pictures of us, we were all like, "whaa?"
I know I nearly pissed myself. I'm not used to that kind of attention. But it was still really awesome. Apollo, Rockett and Charmaine did an interview for drive by movies as well as Indigo, Sedona and I. The interactive photo was a lot of fun.
I accidentally let my coyote out when I was doing my part for the photo booth and kept taking peoples hats, putting their shirts over their head or jumping on their backs.
All of the girls looked gorgeous and It was amazing seeing everyone, as well as finally meeting Missy. She's just a little ball of sweetheart.
And there were so many babes who came to the hopeful casting!

I learned that I'm never wearing heels to an SG event again though. My feet still hurt.
But seriously though, If you came out last night, thanks so much for y'alls support! It was great getting to meet so many of you who support all of us girls.
Rarity, HarlyQuinn and I


Onyx and I

Missy and I

Okami and Rockett


Also, HarlyQuinn has a new set out in MR that you all need to go show some love to! It's an adventure time Themed set, and I'm in love with it and her.
yaya!! sweet then were on for Wednesday night??

Yes ma'am! I'll message you my number so we can figure everything out!