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Living Dead Girl_ ROB ZOMBIE
Rage in the cage
And piss upon the stage
There's only one sure way
To bring the giant down
Defunct the strings
Of cemetary things
With one flat foot
On the devil's wing
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living Dead Girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living Dead Girl
Raping the geek...
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I have always loved the way Rob Zombie pushes the envelope. He has done so without appearing to try too hard to be dark and angry. He just is. Bravo on the music choice, and video is great too.
Rob Zombie! I love his movies too!
Nerve, Here I borned feeding on his lung
Verve, is his curse because he wanted to meet christ alone
Bitch - you're no good, we could be so flown
Misunderstood - we could be your god
There in my bones we could be so flown
Misunderstood - because he wanted to meet Christ alone
But you will...
No you will never find me - breach...
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Verve, is his curse because he wanted to meet christ alone
Bitch - you're no good, we could be so flown
Misunderstood - we could be your god
There in my bones we could be so flown
Misunderstood - because he wanted to meet Christ alone
But you will...
No you will never find me - breach...
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One Weak:awesome song

...La cosa por ac est que arde...en el amplio sentido de la palabra, te habrs informado que ayer fueron las elecciones presidenciales por ac...un asco... ms de la misma mierda, pero esta vez dosificada porque los tarados se irn a segunda vuelta. Menos mal que borr de la tele los canales nacionales para no tener que mamarme esa porqueria durante el zapping
Y uh calor washis,...de la re-putamadre!!! argh...como 35 bajo la sombra
, ayer domingo me pegu una escapadilla a un hermoso lugar muy cerquita de casa en donde hicimos una sesin de fotos para el segundo set ^^. Quedaron de pelos, pero haremos una segunda maana porque no fueron suficientes. Ufff... hora de mi pastilla U_U... mi maldita muela del juicio me anda dando jugo desde el viernes y para clamar el dolor me tengo que tomar una pastillita de chiquitolina que me deja viendo vacas voladoras XD....jjajaj la wea zonza.
Nos stamos leiendo

Y uh calor washis,...de la re-putamadre!!! argh...como 35 bajo la sombra

Nos stamos leiendo

So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind.
Hang it on a shelf
Of good health and good time.
Tattoos of memories
And dead skin on trial.
For what it's worth
It was worth all the while.
It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
green day
So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind.
Hang it on a shelf
Of good health and good time.
Tattoos of memories
And dead skin on trial.
For what it's worth
It was worth all the while.
It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
green day

Primero sube la fotonga a una de tus carpetas, luego abre la foto y en la ventana nuea dale a la imgen con el botn deresho del mouse en la opcin que dice "Copy image location", luego va al panel que est a la derecha, donde salen las caritas, y presiona donde dice "Image" , en la nueva ventana de aplicacin te pedir una URL y ah recin copias con ctrrl + v . Te aparecer un cdigo en la ventana de texto, que eso es lo que linkea la imgen, lo dejas tranqui no m... Y listoc eso es todo.... aparecer la foto... ves??
Ac copi una fotits, de tu carpeta.
(EL ideal es que la imgen no tenga ms de 500 pixeles de ancho, si no, aparecer cort y se ver horrible
Es simple la wa, si te quedara alguna dudilla, pregunte nom.
Primero sube la fotonga a una de tus carpetas, luego abre la foto y en la ventana nuea dale a la imgen con el botn deresho del mouse en la opcin que dice "Copy image location", luego va al panel que est a la derecha, donde salen las caritas, y presiona donde dice "Image" , en la nueva ventana de aplicacin te pedir una URL y ah recin copias con ctrrl + v . Te aparecer un cdigo en la ventana de texto, que eso es lo que linkea la imgen, lo dejas tranqui no m... Y listoc eso es todo.... aparecer la foto... ves??

Ac copi una fotits, de tu carpeta.
(EL ideal es que la imgen no tenga ms de 500 pixeles de ancho, si no, aparecer cort y se ver horrible

Es simple la wa, si te quedara alguna dudilla, pregunte nom.

I'm, but a little bit bit bit, show!
but a little bit bit bit, shame!
but a little bit, bit, bit
Bit! bit! bit!
I'm just the man in the back!
Just the man in the back!
Just the back!
I'm just demeaning the pack!
Just demeaning the pack!
Just demeaning the pack!
Fuck the system!
Fuck the system!
Fuck the system!!
Fuck the system!
I need to fuck the Sys.
I need to fuck the Sys..
I need to fuck the Sys...
but a little bit bit bit, shame!
but a little bit, bit, bit
Bit! bit! bit!
I'm just the man in the back!
Just the man in the back!
Just the back!
I'm just demeaning the pack!
Just demeaning the pack!
Just demeaning the pack!
Fuck the system!
Fuck the system!
Fuck the system!!
Fuck the system!
I need to fuck the Sys.
I need to fuck the Sys..
I need to fuck the Sys...

chao chao!