*** 150 days remain ***
Cosyne prepares for the impending battle against the retard queen
So let's review:
There was my co-worker, the filmmaker
He asked me one day how to ask out a girl
The next day he claimed that he only dated supermodels and actresses
There was the crazy girl
She done got beat up good
Then she peed on my furniture
But not before I banged her silly on Christmas morning
Yes, in the butt
Are you happy?
There was the post office clerk
She spoke the good Engrish
And was shaped like a turnip -- HA!
All Alone Customer faces package dillemma! Ikuze!
There's my roommate
She eats all day
Someone should tell her that Nutter Butters aren't a food group
Actually it wouldn't matter
She has too much fat in her ears
There's the guy who wouldn't pay Washington State sales tax
He was from Oregon
But his transaction was already complete
He will be relocated to Syphillisville where he will spend the rest of his days
Sales Tax in Syphillisville: 3700%
Have fun with that, rectum-eel
There was the woman who came into my COFFEE SHOP, rife with laptops and classy wood paneling, and ordered a goddamned pizza.
There are many, many more.
But there is one who rules them all.
Educate yourself and feel my pain!
Are you crying yet?
Test your might.
My boss just hired her.
I am now working with the hottest fashions
Pity, pity poor cosyne.
Please send me checks or money orders
Cosyne prepares for the impending battle against the retard queen
So let's review:
There was my co-worker, the filmmaker
He asked me one day how to ask out a girl
The next day he claimed that he only dated supermodels and actresses
There was the crazy girl
She done got beat up good
Then she peed on my furniture
But not before I banged her silly on Christmas morning
Yes, in the butt
Are you happy?
There was the post office clerk
She spoke the good Engrish
And was shaped like a turnip -- HA!
All Alone Customer faces package dillemma! Ikuze!
There's my roommate
She eats all day
Someone should tell her that Nutter Butters aren't a food group
Actually it wouldn't matter
She has too much fat in her ears
There's the guy who wouldn't pay Washington State sales tax
He was from Oregon
But his transaction was already complete
He will be relocated to Syphillisville where he will spend the rest of his days
Sales Tax in Syphillisville: 3700%
Have fun with that, rectum-eel
There was the woman who came into my COFFEE SHOP, rife with laptops and classy wood paneling, and ordered a goddamned pizza.
There are many, many more.
But there is one who rules them all.
Educate yourself and feel my pain!
Are you crying yet?
Test your might.
My boss just hired her.
I am now working with the hottest fashions
Pity, pity poor cosyne.
Please send me checks or money orders
however, i warn, the point at which she tries to convert me is the point i reach into my purse, pull out a smoke, light it, drag, and put it out in her eye.