*** 164 days remain ***
I hate to brag, but let's just say that my Level 8 Time Mage just cast her most powerful spell on me. Twice.
What the fuck is he talking about?
I hate to brag, but let's just say that my Level 8 Time Mage just cast her most powerful spell on me. Twice.
What the fuck is he talking about?
I have a few things that I'd let to get off my chest, 3 to be exact.
1st - Friday in my books has now been deemed the worst day. If ever there was a day when you should wake up and say to yourself "There is a serious possibility that at some point today I may maime, kill or otherwise fuck myself up" and then just say screw it and keep on truckin' through the sleep time, it would most certainly be today.
2nd - I hate driving and anything else even remotely automobile related.
3rd - Chicks CAN'T drive. Period.
So having said all that, I feel that I should elaborate now and share with you my sad, sad tale. Ladies, please grab your tissues now because once we get started there will be no stopping..... OOOOK, well today is friday and even though that should have been fair warning for me to just stay home... oh no, I ignored all the danger signs and woke my ass up (at 9am no less). So my plan was to go to the gym and go tanning. Not necissarally in that order though. I went tanning first and I'm not gonna lie, It was a good time. Unfortunately I never did make it to the gym on this fateful friday though. Like I said, chicks can't drive and I fucking drove off a hill in the parking lot of Goodlife. Now where this giant fucking cliff came from and what it was doing in a parking lot i'll never know but I swear to God that it just appeared right under my car. Or at least that's the story I'm telling people when they ask. So now I'm stuck.... like I'm not fucking going ANYWHERE!!!!! This bald douche bag who, for the purposes of this story wears women's panties, comes out and is all like "oh, you can just drive right out" and I'm like "clearly I can't because I'm fucking STUCK you dickbag moron". I decide that I'm gonna listen to him for a bit cause I obviously don't have any better ideas. AND THEN!!!! he's like 'it's ok, it won't damage your car too much!' Thanks moron... good deduction. I hate you! Well big fucking surprise, IT DOESN'T WORK! So after about five minutes of me getting rapidly stupider in the presence of this blatently obvious lesbian, some real men come to my aid and totally win friday, they just lift the fucker right on outta there. So I was so grateful that I actually thought of getting them a case of beer or something but then I came to my senses and decided to save my money by just showing them my boobs. Score one for me, I'm so resourceful. So I never did get to the gym today and I probly won't go tomorrow either cause I'm lazy. But you know what, it's ok cause I'm addicted to diet pills! Who wins friday now BEEEYAAAATCH?