*** 166 DAYS REMAIN ***
I've discovered the ugly-girl-filled world of OKCupid.com. Apparently, I'm a:
Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer
I am the Billy Goat.
Everone should go take this test. I want to know what eveyone else is. I love stats.
I've discovered the ugly-girl-filled world of OKCupid.com. Apparently, I'm a:
Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer
I am the Billy Goat.
Everone should go take this test. I want to know what eveyone else is. I love stats.
I'm The Pool Boy
Random Gentle Sex Dreamer (RGSDm)
Friendly and eager. You are The Pool Boy.
A teen at heart, you anxiously move about your daily tasks, hoping, praying for a good, instant lay. You're carefree, enthusiastic, and rarely discouraged. Love is cool, but it's not for you right now. You know what is? Crotches.
You're a fun person in both big and small groups, and your friends trust and love you. Inside you, meanwhile, your lust is only growing. Imagine your beating heart sprouting pubic hair. Exactly. Try shaving that.
If you're not scoring enough--which you aren't--you should adopt new strategies. Lower your standards. Be aggressive. Pool Boys are often submissive and hope (desperately) sex will find them. Realize that passiveness will not hook the horny girls you desire. A bolder approach and sheer repetition will.
When browsing OkCupid, consider both The Dirty Little Secret and The Playstation.
Your exact opposite:
The False Messiah
ALWAYS AVOID: The Battleaxe, The Priss