*** 303 DAYS REMAIN ***
I just wrote out this super long journal singing the praises of the game Final Fantasy Tactics. Then I realized that I was actually boring myself to death.
What do you think? Should cosyne:
A) take a position at work that is much, much more demanding but will increase my pay by a LOT? Also taking this job would put me on a more "normal" schedule so that I could make it out to more events and such.
B) keep doing my ridiculously easy job where I get to sleep until 3 PM every day and have absolutely no one ever telling me what to do?
Money is nice, but GODDAMN if I don't love sleeping! I'm in a real pickle.
I just wrote out this super long journal singing the praises of the game Final Fantasy Tactics. Then I realized that I was actually boring myself to death.
What do you think? Should cosyne:
A) take a position at work that is much, much more demanding but will increase my pay by a LOT? Also taking this job would put me on a more "normal" schedule so that I could make it out to more events and such.
B) keep doing my ridiculously easy job where I get to sleep until 3 PM every day and have absolutely no one ever telling me what to do?
Money is nice, but GODDAMN if I don't love sleeping! I'm in a real pickle.
I have no doubt that you are up to the task.
You'll still get to sleep as much as you like, you'll just have to get used to going to bed at 12pm instead of 6am.
Your boss is the best possible person to work under in the company.
Your current job is cake and you're getting complacent. I mean jesus christ, you wanted some kind of change so badly that you actually considered giving up video games altogether! Also, complacency leads to idle hands and idle hands spend time around the crotchal region (which might actually be more of an argument for option B, and I swear crotchal is a word)
You need something to think about besides thinking about how much you don't want to think about Final Fantasy Tactics.
Option C would be to come work under me and that would probably scar for life.
There are many opportunities to advance within the company and this brings you one step closer to CEO.
And finally: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Oh, and you should become a parking lot attendant.