Thanks again to all who made Trivia NIght 3 a rousing success! While not as packed as last time, we still had enough folks there to spark some bitchin' competition.
So the FIVE oceans are:
The Atlantic Ocean
The Pacific Ocean
The Indian Ocean
The Arctic Ocean
The Southern Ocean
I shit you not -- google it.
So my puzzle here:
butt repair 2.718281828459045... chowed
No one seemed to get it -- so here's the answer, as well as some insight as to how future puzzles might work.
butt = ass
repair = fix
2.718281828459045 = the number e (or just 'e')
chowed = ate
ass fix e ate
Get it?
So the FIVE oceans are:
The Atlantic Ocean
The Pacific Ocean
The Indian Ocean
The Arctic Ocean
The Southern Ocean
I shit you not -- google it.
So my puzzle here:
butt repair 2.718281828459045... chowed
No one seemed to get it -- so here's the answer, as well as some insight as to how future puzzles might work.
butt = ass
repair = fix
2.718281828459045 = the number e (or just 'e')
chowed = ate
ass fix e ate
Get it?
you get weiwb.
doesn't that sound cute? but to make it a little extra cuter, add an "ie" to the end:
voila! weiwbie!!!!!
n's for m's
b's for d's
w's for r's
plus i say things coach z style all the time you know like jorb. so i randomly throw "or" into the morddle of words too.
sormtormes it's just plain hord to tork.