Ok, there's one thing I envy about women. No it's not boobs and it's certainly not the whole "monthly bleeding like a sliced open heifer and then having to mop it up with cotton bread loaves" thing either. It's something that women can get away with that, in general, men can not. It's called gushing.
Yesterday, I started my new job (job number 2 for those keeping track) and within minutes fell deeply in love with one of my exciting new co-workers. Now this is nothing out of the ordinary for me -- I tend to fall in and out of love several times a week. But yesterday, I had this almost overwhelming urge to just spill my guts and be like, "Dear god...you are like the most beautiful girl I've EVER seen..." And it's true, she might actually be the hottest girl I've ever met. But of course, I can't say anything along those lines lest I potentially get my ass fired before I even get started. Not to mention the fact that expressions like that are generally interpreted as either insincere drivel or just plain creepy -- so in other words, wouldn't endear me to this girl in any way.
ARG. But a girl can go up to a guy -- and just be like -- "Damn, you're hot! You could take me anytime, tiger..." and the guy would just walk off with a huge ego boost and the girl walks off feeling sexually empowered. NOT FUCKING FAIR!
Anyway, here's my new favorite word:
Here's how it might appear in conversation:
cosyne: I don't know. I've always felt that the reforms in the catholic church are always just too little, too late. What do you think?
Girl: Maybe. The services I've been to are kind of monotonous, I guess. I suppose I'm lucky that I'm not catholic like MUBBAFREN!!! His parents pull his ass to church all the time.
cosyne: I see. Well I have to go over here now.
Girl: MUBBAFREN burned me a CD!
cosyne: That's nice.
I want to meet this MUBBAFREN since he seems to be everywhere I turn these days. What's his secret?
Yesterday, I started my new job (job number 2 for those keeping track) and within minutes fell deeply in love with one of my exciting new co-workers. Now this is nothing out of the ordinary for me -- I tend to fall in and out of love several times a week. But yesterday, I had this almost overwhelming urge to just spill my guts and be like, "Dear god...you are like the most beautiful girl I've EVER seen..." And it's true, she might actually be the hottest girl I've ever met. But of course, I can't say anything along those lines lest I potentially get my ass fired before I even get started. Not to mention the fact that expressions like that are generally interpreted as either insincere drivel or just plain creepy -- so in other words, wouldn't endear me to this girl in any way.
ARG. But a girl can go up to a guy -- and just be like -- "Damn, you're hot! You could take me anytime, tiger..." and the guy would just walk off with a huge ego boost and the girl walks off feeling sexually empowered. NOT FUCKING FAIR!
Anyway, here's my new favorite word:
Here's how it might appear in conversation:
cosyne: I don't know. I've always felt that the reforms in the catholic church are always just too little, too late. What do you think?
Girl: Maybe. The services I've been to are kind of monotonous, I guess. I suppose I'm lucky that I'm not catholic like MUBBAFREN!!! His parents pull his ass to church all the time.
cosyne: I see. Well I have to go over here now.
Girl: MUBBAFREN burned me a CD!
cosyne: That's nice.
I want to meet this MUBBAFREN since he seems to be everywhere I turn these days. What's his secret?
Wish you were here.
~the angel*