Today I confirmed (again), that the best way for my friends how to have fun, is watching horrors with me
Just imagine: Youre sitting on a couch next to me. Then a ghost unexpectedly pop up on the screen and I, unexpectedly, make a huge jump and in a second sit on the floor behind the seatback of the coach
Yep, Im serious, thats my normal reaction
So today, we were watching Woman In Black.. It was f*cking scary, because there wasnt I while to take a breath, one frightening moment after another.
But I had a "best minute" , of course !
When The Womans head appeared on our huge Bravia television, fullscreen ghost HEAD, SCREAMING, it terryfied me so much that I started to scream too
At the exactly same tone as The Woman ! We were staring at each other and yelling and yelling, till that damn head disappeared
Its very funny for people around me, but actually, they get always more frightened thanks to me, not to the film

Yep, Im serious, thats my normal reaction

So today, we were watching Woman In Black.. It was f*cking scary, because there wasnt I while to take a breath, one frightening moment after another.
But I had a "best minute" , of course !
When The Womans head appeared on our huge Bravia television, fullscreen ghost HEAD, SCREAMING, it terryfied me so much that I started to scream too

Its very funny for people around me, but actually, they get always more frightened thanks to me, not to the film