I was in the craft store the other night picking up craft items for my crafty, homemade Christmas presents, when a (W)hiskey (T)ango woman came lumbering in literally dragging by the arm, a 4 or 5 year old little boy. For the next ten minutes or so she shrieked, bellowed and drug this little guy around the store, talking to him...
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You know what the safest speed for sex is?
68. Because at 69, you flip over and eat it.
Ahhh ha ha ha!
I'm glad it's Friday but not so glad it's raining and gloomy. It feels like Autumn, which I love don't get me wrong, but I'm not done with summer yet. Alas, I expect the steamy temperatures to return in no time and...
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68. Because at 69, you flip over and eat it.
Ahhh ha ha ha!
I'm glad it's Friday but not so glad it's raining and gloomy. It feels like Autumn, which I love don't get me wrong, but I'm not done with summer yet. Alas, I expect the steamy temperatures to return in no time and...
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I am a World-Class Grudge Holder.
I am missing work this week (well, not really missing it so much as not able to be present for) thanks to one or two jerks who made our journey from Texas yesterday three times longer than necessary.
After ten years in this industry and some old-fashioned common sense, it truly chaps me when others just don't give a...
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I am missing work this week (well, not really missing it so much as not able to be present for) thanks to one or two jerks who made our journey from Texas yesterday three times longer than necessary.

After ten years in this industry and some old-fashioned common sense, it truly chaps me when others just don't give a...
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It's a daily struggle to keep myself from joining Facebook. I realize it is this huge thing right now and I am the minority for not being a part of it. I see it as being a huge time suck...me looking up people from high school, from work, from the coffee shop down the street and honestly I spend more than enough time roaming...
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