I guess an introduction blog may be a good idea so, here goes.
You can call me Coz, I am a self admitted Dirty Old Man. My last long term relationship was with someone younger than my daughter. The heart wants what it wants and it clearly doesn't want to deal with bitter women; which is mainly what I find with women my age. Now that doesn't mean if I found someone my own age that wasn't bitter I would exclude them from my dating pool because they are too old. Age is irrelevant to me if I love you I love you no matter what difference we have.
At the same time I feel that this has kept me younger over the years. One of my favorite games to play when someone asks me how old I am, is to make them guess how old I am. People generally guess 10-15 years younger than I actually am. Or maybe it the fact that I haven't ever grown up and quit smoking weed?
I recently moved to an Intentional Community\Ecovillage called Dancing Rabbit and absolutely love it here!!! If you are not familiar with Intentional Communities think Hippie Commune and if your not sure what an Ecovillage is, think Frontierville. All of my electricity come from a renewable source. That's right I am checking out SG thanks to solar panels, wind turbines and deep cycle batteries. How fucking cool is that?
While I do consider myself an Omnivore I belong to a Vegetarian\Vegan Food CO-OP and eat with somewhere between 3-40 people depending on the time of year. During the winter the numbers are low because it just members and resident around. Whereas in the spring, summer and fall we have a lot of work exchange people and visitors around. I like it because I do not have to cook everyday. In fact I only cook once a week or once every two weeks depending on how many people are eating with us.
One of the things we do to be Eco here is we do not own personal vehicles. Instead we have a Vehicle CO-OP where members share a small fleet of vehicles. We sign out a vehicle when we need to go somewhere and pay a per mile fee for the use to cover fuel, maintenance, insurance and replacement costs. We also try our best to fill every seat in the vehicle and\or run errands for people to keep our vehicle use to a minimum.
For most of my life I have been self employed or unemployed living off the money I made being self employed. I have maybe been employed for all of 4 years of my life and I have been working since 14. I current run a web development company where I mainly do freelance work for other design firms. I am also opening a Green Building company here at Dancing Rabbit. In fact DR target recruited me for this reason and I am the first targeted recruit they ever had.
I recently took up home brewing, since I can no longer grow due to the legal issues. My last batch was a Breakfast Stout which is an oatmeal and maple syrup stout. The maple syrup is from here we tapped the maples on our land as well as a few of our neighbors properties. This waiting is killing me I so can't wait to enjoy this!!! I've also been making some hard cider that I used champagne yeast to ferment and makes a really potent pint. I jokingly call it Coz's Slippin' Cider, 1 pint of this and she'll let you put inside her
Well I guess I've rambled enough for now especially because I'm not even sure if anyone will even read this. If people do and comment I will write more for sure.
Peace, Love and All That Hippie Jazz,
You can call me Coz, I am a self admitted Dirty Old Man. My last long term relationship was with someone younger than my daughter. The heart wants what it wants and it clearly doesn't want to deal with bitter women; which is mainly what I find with women my age. Now that doesn't mean if I found someone my own age that wasn't bitter I would exclude them from my dating pool because they are too old. Age is irrelevant to me if I love you I love you no matter what difference we have.
At the same time I feel that this has kept me younger over the years. One of my favorite games to play when someone asks me how old I am, is to make them guess how old I am. People generally guess 10-15 years younger than I actually am. Or maybe it the fact that I haven't ever grown up and quit smoking weed?
I recently moved to an Intentional Community\Ecovillage called Dancing Rabbit and absolutely love it here!!! If you are not familiar with Intentional Communities think Hippie Commune and if your not sure what an Ecovillage is, think Frontierville. All of my electricity come from a renewable source. That's right I am checking out SG thanks to solar panels, wind turbines and deep cycle batteries. How fucking cool is that?
While I do consider myself an Omnivore I belong to a Vegetarian\Vegan Food CO-OP and eat with somewhere between 3-40 people depending on the time of year. During the winter the numbers are low because it just members and resident around. Whereas in the spring, summer and fall we have a lot of work exchange people and visitors around. I like it because I do not have to cook everyday. In fact I only cook once a week or once every two weeks depending on how many people are eating with us.
One of the things we do to be Eco here is we do not own personal vehicles. Instead we have a Vehicle CO-OP where members share a small fleet of vehicles. We sign out a vehicle when we need to go somewhere and pay a per mile fee for the use to cover fuel, maintenance, insurance and replacement costs. We also try our best to fill every seat in the vehicle and\or run errands for people to keep our vehicle use to a minimum.
For most of my life I have been self employed or unemployed living off the money I made being self employed. I have maybe been employed for all of 4 years of my life and I have been working since 14. I current run a web development company where I mainly do freelance work for other design firms. I am also opening a Green Building company here at Dancing Rabbit. In fact DR target recruited me for this reason and I am the first targeted recruit they ever had.
I recently took up home brewing, since I can no longer grow due to the legal issues. My last batch was a Breakfast Stout which is an oatmeal and maple syrup stout. The maple syrup is from here we tapped the maples on our land as well as a few of our neighbors properties. This waiting is killing me I so can't wait to enjoy this!!! I've also been making some hard cider that I used champagne yeast to ferment and makes a really potent pint. I jokingly call it Coz's Slippin' Cider, 1 pint of this and she'll let you put inside her

Well I guess I've rambled enough for now especially because I'm not even sure if anyone will even read this. If people do and comment I will write more for sure.
Peace, Love and All That Hippie Jazz,
i love your mentality about relationships & such! you live quite an interesting way of life & i look forward to reading more (& seeing more of it if you post pics) ! good luck with your business ventures as well & thanks for your comment