As I said in the last blog about my feelings on flowers, the same goes for gifts of any kind, unless I'm in a relationship. I have today, an example of either my bad taste in women, my horrible social skills, or my complete and total failure to be seen by women as anything other than "cute/sweet" (the latter I try to discount outright- "Avast me hearties! That way lies madness!")
Just finished grad school. She works in the studio I was using during this last semester. To say she was any surfer's dream girl would be a tragic understatement, and she came packed with a sunny personality, a passion for art and design, and a mesmerizingly intense presence that would have kept me from talking to her at all had she not introduced herself
We spoke a few times over the summer. We made small talk. I'd compliment her organizational and leadership skills and she'd compliment my art- specifically the seashells I'd been meticulously painting and illustrating in my spare time to stock my soon-to-re-open Etsy store. We'd also muse on how dating sucked and how we both share a tendency to go places by ourselves in hopes of meeting people. She was 6 years younger than me but afraid she seems older because of her personality.
At the end of June I finished my thesis and the gallery exhibition and received my MFA. I did t want to leave without at least asking her out for a drink, but my last days happened to coincide with a long weekend for the studio staff.
I didn't the it thing I could think to do: I spent a couple hours painting her a medium-sized cockle shell. I left it for her on her desk wrapped in plastic seaweed and a dried sea star. Also left a note nothing dramatic, just saying I hoped I'd get to hang out soon.
Yesterday, I realized she'd deleted me on Facebook. Okaaaaaay.
Today I had to stop by the studio to pickup more of my stuff from the gallery. She wasn't at her desk when I walked by but I noticed she'd not-so-carefully dropped the little tokens I'd made for her in the trash next to her desk.