I got five dermals done on Friday. The last picture is of FaeFae ith all the needles that were used. This was just the first out of a couple sessions to finish the piece. I was also tattooed.

And by tattooed I mean the guy put little dots on the inner points of the star so it wouldn't be crooked when I go back for round two. Haha.
FaeFae is an amazing, brilliant, professional, comforting, sweet, kind, personal, patient, fantastic, I'm running out of adjectives, piercer. I wouldn't trust anyone else to do this piece for me. I love mine.
The pain was pretty bad. I think it was mostly because the process is longer. If it was as quick as a normal piercing it wouldn't be bad. I was cursing so much I would have made sailors cry. My best friend, Lori went with me and let me break her hands as I sat and got stabbed multiple times. She ended up getting her belly button pierced by FaeFae's apprentice, who was very professional and did a very nice job.
I took a break after dermal number three. That one was the worst out of all of them as far as pain goes. I went and got a smoothie to keep my blood sugar up and Lori got me ring pops. Funny thing is FaeFae and I have this ongoing joke about me being a baby with piercings and how I should get a lollipop after one like a child getting shots at the doctors. FaeFae ended up getting me ring pops too! Haha. That girl is so sweet. I love her!
So far so good. My dermals are doing fine. I have to keep them covered for 3-5 days, so I will probably take off my band-aids on Tuesday. Yes the pain is bad, and the cleaning process is a little long and the itching is awful, but it is soooo worth it! I'm so glad I got them done. Anyone who is thinking about getting these should definitely do it. I can't wait to get my other ones!
I got that Lolita in Tehran book from the library. I'll probably be giving it a try. I'm torn though. My goal is to plow through as many books as I can before I head home for Christmas. There's a great book shop near there and I'd like to sell as many books as I can when I hit it up. I've blown through about 7 or 8 books in the last two weeks as part of that goal.