I am now back on campus. Classes start tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited and exhausted. Our room is still a mess, but we're getting there! It's going to be a good year!
The Renn Faire was fucking amazing. I wish I could post pictures, but I still can't find the cord to transfer pictures from my digital camera to my computer. I got this awesome wooden shield that has a green and gold Celtic cross painted on it. Currently, it's hanging on my bed post in Cincinnati.
Last night I went to Frankfort and hung out with my crush (unfortunately)/booty call. I can't help it. The guy makes me blush and giggle like a tickled pink 13-year-old school girl. It makes me want to vomit. We watched From Dusk til Dawn which was a horrible movie. I really wanted to watch a horror movie and he didn't have much to choose from. That movie is awesomely bad though. I was laughing the whole time. We drank a little. He's a bartender so he made me some washington apples which were delicious. We stayed up until 4 (almost awake for 24 hours since Sunday I got up at 6 aM to pack and what not) He made pizza and we cuddled without having sex. I didn't think it was possible.
I got back to my dorm at 10 this morning. Man did we have a vicious thunderstorm. I could barely see driving home. The lightning was awesome to watch though. The thunder sounded like a war was going on outside our room. With me barely responsive from being so tired and my roommate, Emily being hungover the lack of motivation to get ready for my grandparents was pathetic. But we finally got ready and just in time.
We have a futon on the way and we have our essentials. Tonight Emily, myself, and a few others are going out for massive amounts of sushi and to see a movie. Then bed time for me since I have class at 9:30.
And HUGE thanks go out to DKFaith for getting me the Dictionary of Psychology and the Wicked piano/vocal music off my wishlist. That was so cool of you to do. It made me a very happy girl!
The Renn Faire was fucking amazing. I wish I could post pictures, but I still can't find the cord to transfer pictures from my digital camera to my computer. I got this awesome wooden shield that has a green and gold Celtic cross painted on it. Currently, it's hanging on my bed post in Cincinnati.
Last night I went to Frankfort and hung out with my crush (unfortunately)/booty call. I can't help it. The guy makes me blush and giggle like a tickled pink 13-year-old school girl. It makes me want to vomit. We watched From Dusk til Dawn which was a horrible movie. I really wanted to watch a horror movie and he didn't have much to choose from. That movie is awesomely bad though. I was laughing the whole time. We drank a little. He's a bartender so he made me some washington apples which were delicious. We stayed up until 4 (almost awake for 24 hours since Sunday I got up at 6 aM to pack and what not) He made pizza and we cuddled without having sex. I didn't think it was possible.
I got back to my dorm at 10 this morning. Man did we have a vicious thunderstorm. I could barely see driving home. The lightning was awesome to watch though. The thunder sounded like a war was going on outside our room. With me barely responsive from being so tired and my roommate, Emily being hungover the lack of motivation to get ready for my grandparents was pathetic. But we finally got ready and just in time.
We have a futon on the way and we have our essentials. Tonight Emily, myself, and a few others are going out for massive amounts of sushi and to see a movie. Then bed time for me since I have class at 9:30.
And HUGE thanks go out to DKFaith for getting me the Dictionary of Psychology and the Wicked piano/vocal music off my wishlist. That was so cool of you to do. It made me a very happy girl!

<33333333333333 You too babe.