I need opinions! I want to change my hair. I'm thinking a chunky hair style. Like these...
I don't want my hair real short though. I like my long hair. Thoughts???
So let me tell you of a little experience I had today at Sephora. So I'm looking at Too Faced products testing out their lip glosses and found this sheer pink gloss that came in a little tube. So I used one of the tester brushes they set out and tried some on. I liked it. All of a sudden, I felt this strange sensation...a tingling. Well, that's not normal! So I look at the bottle and much to my chagrin I see the words "lip injection" with a picture of a needle. LIP PLUMPER!!!! Really it didn't hurt, but it was really annoying. My lips were so red. It was awful.
I painted my nails today for the first time really. I used to when I was little playing around and what not, but I had a terrible nail biting habit that I just recently quit so now I have nails! Today I also learned that nail painting is not one of my strong points.
And that sums it up for me. So is anyone reading a good book?

I don't want my hair real short though. I like my long hair. Thoughts???
So let me tell you of a little experience I had today at Sephora. So I'm looking at Too Faced products testing out their lip glosses and found this sheer pink gloss that came in a little tube. So I used one of the tester brushes they set out and tried some on. I liked it. All of a sudden, I felt this strange sensation...a tingling. Well, that's not normal! So I look at the bottle and much to my chagrin I see the words "lip injection" with a picture of a needle. LIP PLUMPER!!!! Really it didn't hurt, but it was really annoying. My lips were so red. It was awful.
I painted my nails today for the first time really. I used to when I was little playing around and what not, but I had a terrible nail biting habit that I just recently quit so now I have nails! Today I also learned that nail painting is not one of my strong points.
And that sums it up for me. So is anyone reading a good book?
I usually read a lot of self help book.
I'm reading a compiiation of Sherlock Holmes stories. What I didnt realize is Sherlock Holmes does a lot of cocaine in the early stories.