If they ever make another Bill and Ted movie (which they should just for this occassion) I think they should go back in time and kick Henry James right in the shin.
After much consideration, thought, and analysis I have decided that The Turn of the Screw by Henry James is terrible. I had to write a paper on it and it was awful. My paper itself was vague because that horrid book itself is vague. The governess sees ghosts, but she's the only one who sees them. Except she thinks the children see them and even are possessed by them, but we never really find that out. In fact, the governess herself may not even see them because they could be hallucinations. Supposedly (according to my professor) it's about blurring social class lines. Also, the governess is supposedly in love with the children's uncle who makes one appearance in the beginning of the book and that's when he's hiring her. She never talks to him after that, although thinks about writing him because one of the children was suspended from school. If this is true I think this is the blue print for Fatal Attraction.
I have another paper due next week.
Look what the lovely Caistey made for me!!

Isn't it lovely?! It is my background. So if there was any doubt that my Self Absborbed didn't hold any truth, well, there's not now.
Also I am now the owner of SGKY
I'm excited! If you're a member of the group, please go see the sticky thread if you haven't already. Thank you 
I'm sitting in on my former professor's (AKA love of my life) genre film class today. We are watching The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I'M EXCITED! I took that class last May term and it was awesome. Hence why he is the love of my life. He's such an arrogant asshole, but god when he talks it's magical. *swoon*
Then I'm doing laundry and reading. Afterwards I may go see the lovely Pikes and hang out there. Tomorrow I work 2-6 then off to Cincinnati I go! I miss my doggie
I can't wait to see him!
GAH! I'm an ass. wvdevil also made me a kick ass fanart. Check it out.

After much consideration, thought, and analysis I have decided that The Turn of the Screw by Henry James is terrible. I had to write a paper on it and it was awful. My paper itself was vague because that horrid book itself is vague. The governess sees ghosts, but she's the only one who sees them. Except she thinks the children see them and even are possessed by them, but we never really find that out. In fact, the governess herself may not even see them because they could be hallucinations. Supposedly (according to my professor) it's about blurring social class lines. Also, the governess is supposedly in love with the children's uncle who makes one appearance in the beginning of the book and that's when he's hiring her. She never talks to him after that, although thinks about writing him because one of the children was suspended from school. If this is true I think this is the blue print for Fatal Attraction.

I have another paper due next week.
Look what the lovely Caistey made for me!!

Isn't it lovely?! It is my background. So if there was any doubt that my Self Absborbed didn't hold any truth, well, there's not now.
Also I am now the owner of SGKY

I'm sitting in on my former professor's (AKA love of my life) genre film class today. We are watching The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I'M EXCITED! I took that class last May term and it was awesome. Hence why he is the love of my life. He's such an arrogant asshole, but god when he talks it's magical. *swoon*
Then I'm doing laundry and reading. Afterwards I may go see the lovely Pikes and hang out there. Tomorrow I work 2-6 then off to Cincinnati I go! I miss my doggie

GAH! I'm an ass. wvdevil also made me a kick ass fanart. Check it out.

I hope the next paper goes well.
They did a great job on the fan art.
Im glad you got the group, you seem like your doing a pretty good job with it so far, now maybe you will hang out with us.
I have not seen those movies in forever, I love old movies.
I hope your trip home goes well.
I wasn't aware there was a "remake".