Another damned sinus infection!!!
This one is bad. My whole throat hurts and it's starting to give me a headach. Thank God I still have amoxicillin. I'm a collector really. I can't sleep because of discomfort. I can't even concentrate on my homework. I don't want to miss class, but I might have to.
I'm a big baby.
Ew. A mycricket cmmercial just came on and there was this teen Asian girl singing Aretha Freanklin's Respect. She needs to not sing. Ever. Esepcially Aretha Franklin. Man that was awful.
And this just in...Jimmy Fallon is an ass. I miss my Conan O'Brien

I'm a big baby.
Ew. A mycricket cmmercial just came on and there was this teen Asian girl singing Aretha Freanklin's Respect. She needs to not sing. Ever. Esepcially Aretha Franklin. Man that was awful.
And this just in...Jimmy Fallon is an ass. I miss my Conan O'Brien

we all miss that pasty white irish giant >.>
lol @ shoops