I have another paper due Thursday. I have to write it on Henry James' Turn of the Screw and Crane's The Monster. I just finished Turn of the Screw. I haven't started The Monster yet, but I will later today. I just got done ordering my mom and grandma things for mother's day. I got my grandma a teddy bear with a pink ribbon and short stemmed, pink roses with a Happy Mother's Day balloon to be delivered to her work. My mom will have a dozen assorted roses delivered to her work and I'll be cooking her breakfast Sunday morning. I don't know what I'm cooking, but I'll figure that out later.
I'll be in Cincinnati Saturday night. I'll be leaving straight from work and I'll be back sometime Sunday.
Met a cute guy the other night walking around with my friend. I was going to go out with him, but he's already clingy and his texting drives me nuts. "wat r u up 2?" Spare me. IF you don't have time to properly spell out words, then I don't have time to hang out with you.
I have to fill out a housing form for summer. OH! My mom and I got tickets to see Kathy Griffin in August. I am so excited!

I'll be in Cincinnati Saturday night. I'll be leaving straight from work and I'll be back sometime Sunday.
Met a cute guy the other night walking around with my friend. I was going to go out with him, but he's already clingy and his texting drives me nuts. "wat r u up 2?" Spare me. IF you don't have time to properly spell out words, then I don't have time to hang out with you.
I have to fill out a housing form for summer. OH! My mom and I got tickets to see Kathy Griffin in August. I am so excited!

LOL ... asshat <3
I really hate shorthand, as if this culture isn't already lazy...