My frend Matt and I at his apartment
Finals are next week. I can't wait to do three weeks of nothing. Tonight there's a party at Matt's apartment and I plan on getting obliterated. However, I have this pain in my shoulder that will require me to lean against some kind of chair with a back. I have been incompasetated all day due to this pain. It started in the cafeteria when I was eating breakfast. My heart started hurting and I thought Ah hell. Then it moved to my shoulder and finally settled into my shoulder blade. Good lord, I must have wronged it in someway. I have no clue what I did, but it started hurting so bad that I could hardly breathe. I made my way up to my room and laid down on it. That seemed to help. So when the pain went away I began making my way down to Starbucks. Then it started again. I couldn't deal with it. I started getting hot, regardless of the snow, and made my way back to campus, during which I thought I was going to pass out. I've been in bed ever since. I think it may be a muscle spasm. Holy god does it hurt.
So here I sit watching the end of Kill Bill Volume 2 on TNT. I've never seen this movie all the way through. I've never seen the first one either.
I'm really excited about the Christmas season being upon us. Everything is so beautiful and romantic and the music is great. I absolutely ove Christmas music, but I don't like it when artists try to make it original and change the notes and all that. That drives me crazy. Stop that. I listend to D you Hear what I hear on the radio by Whitney Houston and it was awful. I like traditional songs with the original notes and no addons and/or changes. I'm boring I know.
So what is your favorite Christmas song? I think mine are Silent Night, O Holy Night, and the Trans Siberian Orchestra version of Carol of the Bells.