Let's start with my trip to Chicago. I got there Monday and pretty much laid around. The boy had to work a bunch so I did a lot of reading. I had gone to Barnes and Noble with his mother and bought three new books. A clockwork Orange, Catch-22, and a Collection of short stories by Ernest Hemingway. I finished A Clockwork Orange. I had never seen the movie. I loved the book. I highly recommend it. It was strange at first since it was written in British slang, but it doesn't take long to catch on to what he means. Fantastic book really. I also read one short story. I look at short stories as something to clean the eyes with before diving in to another book. Kind of like cleansing the pallet. Then I began reading Catch-22. It's good so far. I'm about 200 pages in.
Friday we went to the Taste of Chicago. The boy saw some of his friends from high school on the train we took that he had not seen in years. We tagged along with them. I planned on eating so much I would burst, but alas that is not what happend. I had a slive of Chicago pizza and an oreo cheesecake. Delicious. I was also the only one who was not 21 so when the group went through the line to get their braceletts they took one and upon their return put it on my wrist. I told the boy's friend that I didn't want to do that. I knw if anyone would get caught doing something they shouldn't be it would be me. His retort was "Stop bein' a sally!" I had a beer. Later on we went to a bar. Well, I shoud say they tracked down a bar. The bartender, seeing my bracelett, served me. We got back around 2:30, having left the train station t 12:30.
The fireworks we saw before leaving the taste are the main event of this tale. So there we are, lying in the grass, cuddling and watching the fireworks. Which by the way, I love fireworks. I love the colors and sparkles and the sound and the finale. It's just an all around good time. Anyway, so the boy leans up on his elbow and is leaning over me and says these words. "Baby, I have something to tell you. It's really hard for me to say. I love you." And my heart began pounding. He went on to tell me that it's a really big deal for him to say that so when he did say it he wanted the moment to be perfect. He had spent the week planning it. It couldn't have been anymore perfect. I am quite smitten with this fellow I have to say.
So two days ago a puddle ate my phone. Well it was more like I was bringing it out of my back pocket an it slipped out my drunken hands and fell into a puddle that had no bottom. I could have swam in this puddle..a river really located on the sidewalk of my street. Rats. Hopefully I will be getting a new phone today. I have my eye on this Blackberry.
Wedding reception pictures!!!!

I hope you all had a great Fourth of July!
I got a blackberry! Looooove it!!!
Friday we went to the Taste of Chicago. The boy saw some of his friends from high school on the train we took that he had not seen in years. We tagged along with them. I planned on eating so much I would burst, but alas that is not what happend. I had a slive of Chicago pizza and an oreo cheesecake. Delicious. I was also the only one who was not 21 so when the group went through the line to get their braceletts they took one and upon their return put it on my wrist. I told the boy's friend that I didn't want to do that. I knw if anyone would get caught doing something they shouldn't be it would be me. His retort was "Stop bein' a sally!" I had a beer. Later on we went to a bar. Well, I shoud say they tracked down a bar. The bartender, seeing my bracelett, served me. We got back around 2:30, having left the train station t 12:30.
The fireworks we saw before leaving the taste are the main event of this tale. So there we are, lying in the grass, cuddling and watching the fireworks. Which by the way, I love fireworks. I love the colors and sparkles and the sound and the finale. It's just an all around good time. Anyway, so the boy leans up on his elbow and is leaning over me and says these words. "Baby, I have something to tell you. It's really hard for me to say. I love you." And my heart began pounding. He went on to tell me that it's a really big deal for him to say that so when he did say it he wanted the moment to be perfect. He had spent the week planning it. It couldn't have been anymore perfect. I am quite smitten with this fellow I have to say.
So two days ago a puddle ate my phone. Well it was more like I was bringing it out of my back pocket an it slipped out my drunken hands and fell into a puddle that had no bottom. I could have swam in this puddle..a river really located on the sidewalk of my street. Rats. Hopefully I will be getting a new phone today. I have my eye on this Blackberry.
Wedding reception pictures!!!!

I hope you all had a great Fourth of July!
I got a blackberry! Looooove it!!!
Let me know what you think of Catch-22 when you finish. There is a sequel to it also: Closing Time, it picks up about 20 years later, it's interesting, but not as good.