My mom sent me this little gem in an email the other day with a message that read "For the love of God, please get this filled today!!" We love each other.
The wedding was gorgeous. There were many laughs, smiles, hugs, and joyous times. The groom is an alumni of the fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha and the bride an alumni Dreamgirl of the fraternity. For those that are not greek affiliated most fraternities have Dreamgirls. This is given to a girl (usually a junior going into her senior year) that is engaged to one of the members of that fraternity (traditionally anyway). The colors were based around the colors of the fraternity. The groomsmens' cake was one of the coat of arms. The members of the fraternity gathered around and sang their Dreamgirl song to the bride. The bride was also a gree alumni for the sorority Alpha Omicron Pi so the sorority girls gathered around later and sang their candlelight song. Candlelights are what they have when one of the girls get engaged. Lots of stuff I know. That's why I'm not in a sorority. The bar was an open bar and the bartenders were being paid lots of money not to card. We were all pleasantly buzzed. No one got too hammered and no one was stone cold sober.
The reception was held at this gorgeous old historic house that the most relaxing atmosphere. Once and a while I would wonder away from the reception and just stared out into the yard. There was an old. small shed looking place that I'm sure used to be a slave house. The fountain came complete with a water spitting cherub statue in the middle and the faint sounds of bullfrogs singing to each other. I really wish I would have had a good book to read at that point in time, but alas I came unprepared.
Next week I shall venture out to Chicago for the fourth (let's hope) I'm looking forward to it.
My best friend's birthday was on Monday. She turned 19. Since I was in Tennessee for the wedding all weekend we are celebrating this weekend. We are going dancing Friday and Saturday and there might be some drunken antics going on. Here's to hoping. I need a night of craziness.
And now for a joke...
What is the smartest insect???
I'm thinking about taking my monroe out. I just don' think it's right for my face. I've tried doing a smaller stud thinking that would help, but it has not. I don't think there is any hope for this piercing. Plus it makes things look uneven and cluttered with my snake bites. I'm just not sure yet.
Well see I guess there is nothing wrong with the whole Greek thing but when it is so much of your life that you base your whole wedding around it then it gets to be a little much, it would be like me having a wedding completely based on things on SG.
that sarcasma ad is awesome!