This morning when I went to the bathroom to excuse myself from a hangover, I learned I had to learn how to plunger a toilet. And thank goodness there was a plunger in the house. Such the act has potential to be dirty, with all the dirty water splashing out of the toilet. The real trick to learning how to plunger the toilet is knowing...
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That was truly a lovely journal entry for me to read while eating ... tongue
I was let go of a new job after only four days. Ah well.

I'm thinking of starting a website business, I just don't know of what. For years I've been wanting to start a website business but in order to do so I would need to provide either a service or product. I have no product I can push and I don't know what...
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Aw sorry to hear about your job, at least yours lasted 4 days, mine lasted 1 day!

My tattoo is kinda being postponed for a while... I'm planning to go to New Zealand for a few months over the summer and need ! I REALLY want it though =( it's all designed and everything! ...hey wanna lend me 150?? wink kiss biggrin
Tomorrow I travel to West Palm Beach and Melbourne to conduct two taped interviews of people suspected of fraud. We (unofficially) rather already know one guy is committing fraud. He had been employed at his job for only nine days, his reported injury is inconsistent with witnesses, and he delayed reporting his accident by three days. He called us saying he "thought" the interview was...
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I'm screwing over my (as-of-tomorrow)(former) employer. Well, kinda of. Last night I worked ten hours and twenty five minutes. Anything over ten hours is overtime. They, being management, scoffed at the notion. Manager: "Overtime for today?" Oh quite yes my sir! I have printed out the state law and will basically tell them to either pay me overtime or I will take them to...
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Yesterday my subconscious conjured up the irrational thought that I ought to get thrown into jail, just to do something bad and revel in establishing a criminal record. That would destroy my new career and hence I shall not act on that irrational impulse. I have irrational thoughts all the time but I generally dont act on nor believe them, hence I am sane.
I got a new job. I am now a Crime Analyst for a private investigation firm specializing in workers compensation fraud. I had job interviews lined up at two other companies but I had ranked this as the one I wanted the most. biggrin biggrin

I now get to travel all over the state of Florida and, when necessary, across this vast nation. Excellent!
Well done on the job!!

Well it's too late, all my hair is chopped off! eeek biggrin
the bad part is, I make it so they dump me....I dont know what my problem is...
On Tuesday, May 3rd, I will travel four or five hours down to Naples, Florida, the last port of human existence until Alligator Alley in the Everglades, to go in front of a three person panel interview for a position with the county sheriff's office for Crime Scene Investigator. CSI Deep Dish. Sounds great.

you know you love me tongue

Lol, yeah but I've been planning this tattoo for AGES!! it's ..actually no I won't say, it can be a surprise (...lol that makes it sound like it's gonna be amazing, but it's not really). I reckon it's gonna hurt loads though, gonna be there for about 2-3hours eeek I'm even telling my mum about this one, although I couldn't exactly hide it from her like my other one. She's trying to compromise with me by asking me to get rid of the holes in my ears and lip bar, ain't gonna happen though! But to sweeten her up a little I'm contemplating chopping off about a foot of my hair like shes wanted for years. Can't wait to see your new tats smile
Okay, just as I predicted, as this always happens immediately after every single time I get a tattoo, people touch me right where it hurts. People touch me in modest amounts here and there, but when I get a tattoo it sparks a huge flood of touch at all the wrong spots. (When no one knows!). Because I am such a likable guy, I get...
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Whats up with faith lately? For the past few months, I keep on hearing faith used in the media. Firstly, I think its entirely wrong for the word faith to be hijacked by religion, to where atheists as myself are viewed upon as not people of faith when in fact we are people of faith except when it comes to existential matters of divinity. Secondly,...
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I spent six hours in a tattoo parlor, four hours under the needle, for two tattoos. Cost: $380. Current total investiment in tattoos: $970. My body: priceless.
the sad parts is that is the most accurate out of anything I put about myself in the profile....of course we can be friends! as long as you continue to talk to me! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin