September 1st entry (because I dont want to disturb the above announcment ):
Excerpt from the Orlando Weekly review of the new Suicide Girls DVD:
There's a Suicide Girl weeping in the back of the van on the way to yet another venue. She's just gotten off the phone with her boyfriend, and he was... Read More
I edited out what was originally contained in this journal entry, so to make some worth out of this I want to announce my plans to move off to Europe. I figure to give myself one year to work my way out of debt, save up $5,000, and what not, then leave this terrible country.
And to continue slightly promoting some events for those in... Read More
(Only people who live in Orlando would remotely care about this entry)
(This entry was last updated on August 9th)
Donald Glaude @ Zinc Bar
Thursday, August 18th
A veteran DJ for over 15 years, Donald Glaude has cemented his reputation as a crowd-rocking favorite and one of the most in demand artists in the country. He is one of those rare DJs who perceives... Read More
For some reason, whenever I go on vacation to somewhere, it seems that things happen back at home while I'm away. It's like a time warp thing. It's as if wherever I am at for some moment, time goes at regular speed, but time everywhere else goes at an accelerated pace, an Einsteinian law of relativity. Nothing much ever happens at home but the time... Read More
Im traveling up to DC/Baltimore in just three days! And apparently I will meet up with a fine young lady for some sushi, massage, and... err... dessert. Woo-hoo me!
haha your meeting up with a ladie for massage??? heheh no im afraid i dont know where you can get the satanic bible online i just have the book... have you done a google seach on it. that may work xxxxx
haha well, there is a difference between an actual skin and someone that shaves their head... however.. i dont mind which one haha i just like guys with shaved heads. skins are good too mind. i think the demonic bible would be rather crappy haha. the satanic bible is about 6 its not expensive at all. if you look up bands like Burzum or Emperor they might give you links to satanic bible as they are 'satanic' 'national socialist' bands hehe. i will have a look for you later when i get home from my driving lesson. im sure i'll be able to find it for you somwehre. xxxx
Just in case anyone reading this would be interested in knowing, I will be attending the SG event of DJ Steve Porter spinning at Cleo's downtown. This guy spins amazing music! He plays progressive house music and his sets have elements of trance.
Courtesy of, here went a Family Guy episode:
Briefly, Peter Griffin, the father of the show turns to his wife, Lois, and says something like: "I haven't seen you this mad since I spent $300 on those tickets to the John Edward Show." Flashback to Peter and Lois at the show: Lois' arms are crossed and she is obviously highly skeptical. Edward is... Read More
Tonight I will do what up until last night I never gave any serious contemplation to actually doing. I will engage in the companionship of an escort. Last night I went to a fine strip club, with full nudity and full touch, and had two awesome lap dances, very up close and very touchy. I'm a virgin and after feeling so close to what sex... Read More
Well...1. Congratulations and 2. Its about goddamn time. I wish I remembered any details about my first time but honestly it was no where near as memorable. At least you got something worthwhile to keep in mind...and pointers are overrated... everything is different. Get a little more knowledge and listen to the woman...she will let you know with body language and hopefully actual responses as to what she wants and how you should be taking care of her...if you can learn to listen and follow their silent leads you will have to buy a bat and change your phone number to keep them away...
always known a rule of thumb... anyone can get laid whenever they want to, its all a matter of how low they decide to set their standards. I never set them low so rarely get into that range. Course, its all a matter of timing and oppourtunity. You need to read their actions and reactions and not be afraid to make the first move, be it simply contact (touch or kiss) or an overt comment about the two of you getting out of wherever you are and trying something there. I never claim to be an expert...just give them an option and see if they take you up on it.