This summer and fall seemed to disappear way faster than I anticipated! I spent the last three months on the road shooting landscapes, outdoor nudes and SG Sets. I started my trip in my midwest home Columbus. @King converted me to a lover of this town years ago, and this time we set up a shootstravaganza over labor day weekend. @radeo, @frolic, @reed, @firefly, @damsel,...
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Its been a little while. I spent the better part of the year so far on the road and working on Vaunt and I's new house. The winter on the road was really great. It felt like I had so much of the country to myself. Sleeping in my car along side the highway, camping in the forests, going days without seeing people gives you...
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click to make it move
@mewes @sedona @kirbee and @okami and I thought it would be a good idea to shoot a few fun gifs for you guys while we were out in the woods in Austin back in January. I'm working on stuff for all of them now, so it felt like a good time to toss up a little preview.
Its been a crazy 2014 already. I spent the last two months on the road shooting landscapes, shooting sets, and driving too goddamn much. I started off the year shooting a quick multi set with @akuma and @pesky. "Team Player" is going to be a smoking hot Wolverine/Storm love story full of tattoos and ass, and gorgeous gorgeous SG Models
After that I took a
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It happens pretty much like clock work at this point. I get stir crazy, I get sick of shooting in my own space, and I plan a trip to get out on the road and see and shoot in nature. I've actually already been on the road for almost a month now. Normally these trips are pretty easy. I have my dog, and I have...
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I had a great albeit relatively short break over the holidays, but I'm not even really that good at taking breaks, so I set up a few shoots before I head back on the road to shoot in Austin and LA. December started with having the chance to shoot the ridiculous gorgeous SG Hopefuls @zephi and @lavish_ I'm sure that both of these girls will...
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While I was in Utah shooting for my book I got the opportunity to shoot @sansamour's very first set for SG. She is basically the sweetest and hottest tattooed girl in the American Mormon state, so I can't wait for her set to go into MR!
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So I felt the need to get away from the City, at least what little bit of City I really live in. I'd promised my buddy if he came out we could do a trip quick up to New England to try and catch the last couple days of fall, so with our tripods, sleeping bags, and an itch to shoot some landscapes we drove...
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I knew I wasn't done yet with updates about all the awesome sets from Texas yet. I forgot I managed to sneak in one more with not only @okami but @charmaine in the Multi Backyard Antics. We had a great time shooting this one my last day in Austin as the sun set. If you like lingerie, butts and sunsets make sure you take...
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If you haven't taken the time to check out some of the sets I have in MR from my trip down to Texas earlier this year, you're really missing out. I managed to shoot with a bunch of amazing Suicide Girls while I was down there, and it was pretty fucking awesome. First @salix and I took a hike into barton springs for From Forests...
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