Things are always crazy...that should really be the theme of my blog here! Forget to post while I bounce around the globe shooting a bunch, sleeping in cars, and get food poisoning. Anything for the photo!
Nicole and I went to Mexico for about a month and learned how hard it is to shoot under water!
While I was there some of my favorite sets with my favorite people went up! I'm looking at you @reed, @brandie, @skyhook, and @ecco! Let's spam some previews, and I encourage you to check these sets because I think I'm starting to really get the hang of this SG Set business!
Every one of these girls is goddamn amazing, so click their sets, give them love, and let's see if we can get them front page!
In other news I'm working on a book this year, which I have mostly been shooting for! I actually did a set of @skyhook and @synatra for it that will be coming out in a little bit. Its called Temperance, and the name is not indicative of the content. I had an amazing shoot the other weekend with @circa (and her girlfriend Danielle Zug) , @skyhook, @vaire, @vaega, @lua. The results of which I will share with you now!