At any given time I have a lot of projects going on with photography. I'm still getting the hang of this whole set shooting thing, so every now and then its nice to take a break and do something different. While I was in Portland this past trip I got the opportunity to do exactly that with @bully.
A four hour round trip adventure for a shoot to a place that isn't exactly well marked or easy to find is a lot to ask of a model, but @bully is a serious adventurer, so when I suggested exactly that to find Panther Creek Falls in Gifford Pintchot National Forest she was all in immediately. Driving all the way out there, finding the unmarked lot, and then finding the path down was an adventure, but what waited for us at the bottom was absolutely worth it.
Finding a beautiful landscape is one thing though, what was really fantastic was the way she could fit into the scenery effortlessly. We shot and hiked for hours, and even as the temperature dropped and she posed in the cold mist of the falls, she never complained. It was amazing working with somebody so committed to making fantastic photos.
In other news I am slowly working my way through all of the sets I shot along the way. Expect an update soon with previews of @firefly, @chunni, @reed, @marceline, @rachelle, and @brandie