So I felt the need to get away from the City, at least what little bit of City I really live in. I'd promised my buddy if he came out we could do a trip quick up to New England to try and catch the last couple days of fall, so with our tripods, sleeping bags, and an itch to shoot some landscapes we drove up past New York and into the beautiful forests of Connecticut.
We got to our location for the next day around midnight, so rather than getting a hotel (we're poor) we decided to lean the seats all the way back and try to get some sleep before sunrise. We checked the weather report, saw that it was going to be a low of 26 and cloudy, bundled up, and passed out. We woke up early the next day the car covered in frost, and found ourselves pretty reluctant to get out of our sleeping bags, but still we managed.
The spot we chose was a small stream that runs down through the town of Granby, CT over 6 or 7 waterfalls called Ender Falls. The leaves had already abandoned the trees, but that was ok because they hadn't gone far, and I think it made for some great photos.