*Twidling my thumbs is only entertaining for so long...

I need to get some real play in....
trust in truth:
my golden tooth
shows that my knowledge is imperfect and that I need help to understand and better my condition.
also provides hope that I will find honest, humble, and strong people.

trust in love:
my circumcision
shows that love can be misdirected.
also shows that love can triumph over pain.

trust in humanity:
my corvus tattoo
shows that people desire to...
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A canner uncannily canny one day remarked to his granny.
"A canner can can any thing that he can, but a canner can't can a can can he?"
"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger."
-who knows

I just took up smoking today.
It's something I swore I'd never do, so I needed to do it.

My feathers are a little singed, but I think I'll learn to fly agian.

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger."

"Or just cripples me for life"

What a nice cloudy day.
And just a little kiss of rain.
Bite Me.
sunny and a jillion degree's here in california. ooo aaa
I played among the clouds
with a friend whos heart was true.
We rested neath an apple tree.
the apples they were blue.
I'm not that bad a guy....I'm friendly smile
Once there was a paranoid discordian.
he played with the golden apple.
he thought it was just a game.
then a zebra crossing knocked him on his ass.
Not all destruction takes a physical manifestation.

In the act of creation something must be destroyed.

I choose to destroy illusions.

I work to create dreams.


Offer me not food, money or power
These things do not satisfy.
Give me good friends, and a merry heart
And I shall show Dionysus a better way.
good words.