Today was pretty sucky, even though I had some good stuff happen.
my head feels like I over exerted my brain.
I had to deal with government stuff today... Ick.
I did have someone just walk up to me and hand me a 6 hour bus pass out of the blue.
That was nice.
I also got to talk to my sister and my mom.
So there was some good stuff.
How was your day?
Word of the day:
Gigglegorf - A group of teenage girls that seem to have frequent giggle attacks.
my head feels like I over exerted my brain.
I had to deal with government stuff today... Ick.
I did have someone just walk up to me and hand me a 6 hour bus pass out of the blue.
That was nice.
I also got to talk to my sister and my mom.
So there was some good stuff.
How was your day?
Word of the day:
Gigglegorf - A group of teenage girls that seem to have frequent giggle attacks.